Search found 16 matches

by U-96
Wednesday 2. October 2024, 18:01
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: Ladezyklenanzeige
Replies: 3
Views: 1640

Re: Ladezyklenanzeige

Hallo Detlef

65535 sieht für mich nach dem Maximalwert aus den die Variable haben kann (Integer-Variable). Was passiert nach dem nächsten Ladezyklus, bleibt der Wert stehen oder springt er auf 0?

Gruss Michi
by U-96
Saturday 7. September 2024, 15:58
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: OSTC Sport - Need help about display
Replies: 11
Views: 4134

Re: OSTC Sport - Need help about display

Hello Alain The small arrow is the surface time after a dive in minutes. The settings on my OSTC is that it switch to the surface mode after 5 minutes. If I descent after this time again, it will log a new dive. The deco stop on 0 m for 1 minute makes for me no sense. The DTR is the time to surface ...
by U-96
Sunday 17. September 2023, 23:21
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: Frage zur TTS
Replies: 4
Views: 35278

Re: Frage zur TTS

Hallo Daktari

Das hängt davon ab, was du als Wechseltiefe eingestellt hast. Wenn du beispielsweise bei einem Nx50 als Dekogas eine Wechseltiefe von 21 m eingestellt hast, geht der OSTC davon aus, dass du auch auf 21 m auf das Nx50 wechselst und berechnet die TTS entsprechend.

Gruss Michi
by U-96
Thursday 26. March 2020, 22:49
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: hwOS Tech: Version 3.09 beta 4 available
Replies: 31
Views: 84041

Re: hwOS Tech: Version 3.09 beta 4 available

Hi all I was diving today with my OSTCplus on V3.09 beta 4 and my OSTC 2C on V3.13. The new firmware works good during the diving and also the download via bluetooth to Diving Log works without problems. Many thanks to the whole HeinrichsWeikamp team. The only thing I was wondering a little bit was ...
by U-96
Wednesday 11. March 2020, 22:56
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: hwOS Tech: Version 3.09 beta 3 available
Replies: 47
Views: 275619

Re: hwOS Tech: Version 3.09 beta 3 available

Hi Ralph

The built-in logbook shows the profile, the page with properties and details of the dive and the gas list (after downgrading to V3.01).

Best regards
OSTC 2C #7452
OSTCplus #17296
by U-96
Tuesday 10. March 2020, 22:54
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: hwOS Tech: Version 3.09 beta 3 available
Replies: 47
Views: 275619

Re: hwOS Tech: Version 3.09 beta 3 available

Hi Ralph

In Diving Log it opens a new record. When I opend the record there was no depth, no divetime and no ohter data like deco data or temperature stored.

Best regards
OSTC 2C #7452
OSTCplus #17296
by U-96
Sunday 8. March 2020, 22:55
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: hwOS Tech: Version 3.09 beta 3 available
Replies: 47
Views: 275619

Re: hwOS Tech: Version 3.09 beta 3 available

Hi Ralph The OSTC plus write the following status in bluetooth mode: - "Starting...Done." - "Download mode enabled" - "Exited" After that, in the menue settings is the second line "Bluetooth Mode" not existing. To restart bluetooth I have to colse the menue completely and start the menue settings ...
by U-96
Sunday 8. March 2020, 17:37
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: hwOS Tech: Version 3.09 beta 3 available
Replies: 47
Views: 275619

Re: hwOS Tech: Version 3.09 beta 3 available

Hi I was diving today with my OSTCplus with firmware 3.09 beta 3. During the dive the OSTC works well. Now I'm trying to download the dive to Diving Log via bluetooth without success. Again, I have testet the connection with OSTC Companion and it works wothout problems. With Diving Log I had no ...
by U-96
Monday 5. August 2019, 20:29
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: TTS is adding Safety Stop (3')
Replies: 17
Views: 19406

Re: TTS is adding Safety Stop (3')

Hi all Since I dive with an OSTCplus I'm always the guy with the highest TTS value. I don't see really an advantage in this behavior. During the dive, in my mind I often subtract 2' of the TTS to have an equivalent TTS like my bodys computer. Furthermore, after the deco the TTS value goes ...
by U-96
Tuesday 18. December 2018, 23:16
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: Sehr kurze No-Fly-Zeit
Replies: 2
Views: 2891

Re: Sehr kurze No-Fly-Zeit

Hallo Ralph

Besten Dank für deine Erklärungen und den Beitrag The Theoretical Diver.

Viele Grüsse
by U-96
Friday 14. December 2018, 20:07
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: Sehr kurze No-Fly-Zeit
Replies: 2
Views: 2891

Sehr kurze No-Fly-Zeit

Hallo zusammen Ich tauche seit kurzem einen OSTC plus und habe festgestellt, dass die angezeigte No-Fly-Zeit sehr kurz ist. Beim letzten Tauchgang war die No-Fly-Zeit gleich nach dem Tauchgang 1:50 h. Der Tauchgang war auf 47 m und die Gesamtdauer war 51 min die TTS betrug 8 oder 9 min mit Pressluft ...
by U-96
Thursday 29. March 2018, 10:43
Forum: OSTC Mk.2, 2N and 2C (Sold between 2007 and 2014)
Topic: usb cable
Replies: 6
Views: 6462

Re: usb cable

Hi Gilles I normally connect my OSTC 2C and my mobile phone with the same cable. My experience with USB charging cables is that some chables are designed only for charging (only the pins for electrical power supply are conneced) and not for data connection. Do you connect your mobile phone only for ...
by U-96
Saturday 20. January 2018, 22:24
Forum: OSTC Mk.2, 2N and 2C (Sold between 2007 and 2014)
Topic: OSTC 2C O-ring size
Replies: 3
Views: 4535

Re: OSTC 2C O-ring size

Hello Dariusz

According to an answer on the same question in this forum from May 29, 2015 there are two possible o-ring dimension (inside diameter x cross section):
10 x 1.3 mm, NBR 70 shore (old version)
8.5 x 2 mm, NBR 70 shore (new version)

Best regards
by U-96
Wednesday 6. November 2013, 23:32
Forum: OSTC Mk.2, 2N and 2C (Sold between 2007 and 2014)
Topic: Bergseetauchen, Tiefe Tauchmodus-Start
Replies: 7
Views: 6688

Re: Bergseetauchen, Tiefe Tauchmodus-Start

Das ist schade! Dann werde ich meinen Aladin nicht ins Museum geben sondern nochmals zum Batteriewechsel einschicken um ihn bei Tauchgängen über ca. 1200 müM weiterhin einsetzen zu können :-( Interessant wäre, wenn man über eine CF einen Bergseemodus einstellen kann wo sich die Starttiefe für den Tau ...
by U-96
Tuesday 5. November 2013, 23:16
Forum: OSTC Mk.2, 2N and 2C (Sold between 2007 and 2014)
Topic: Bergseetauchen, Tiefe Tauchmodus-Start
Replies: 7
Views: 6688

Re: Bergseetauchen, Tiefe Tauchmodus-Start

Hallo zusammen Besten Dank für eure Antworten. Die Problematik des Abtauchens im Landeanflug ist mir bekannt, ich habe mehrere Tauchkollegen die mit einem Uemis tauchen und mir dieses Problem schilderten. Dennoch ist es für mich keine befriedigende Lösung wenn bei einem Bergseetauchgang mehrere Mi ...
by U-96
Monday 4. November 2013, 23:36
Forum: OSTC Mk.2, 2N and 2C (Sold between 2007 and 2014)
Topic: Bergseetauchen, Tiefe Tauchmodus-Start
Replies: 7
Views: 6688

Bergseetauchen, Tiefe Tauchmodus-Start

Hallo zusammen Ich war kürzlich in den engadiner Bergseen tauchen. Ich hatte bei meinen Tauchgängen neben meinem OSTC 2C (V2.70) auch noch meinen Aladin Pro dabei um zu sehen ob zwischen diesen beiden Tauchcomputern grosse Differenzen bestehen. Bei Beginn des Tauchgangs wechselte der Aladin wie gewöh ...