Hi Emka,
give it a full charge. The battery data reset during the update, it needs an end-of-charging event to calibrate the Bat Indicator for 100%.
Search found 730 matches
- Saturday 8. February 2025, 20:48
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: OSTC2 Battery indicator problem after 3.26 update
- Replies: 2
- Views: 904
- Thursday 2. January 2025, 14:52
- Forum: OSTC Mk.2, 2N and 2C (Sold between 2007 and 2014)
- Topic: Ploywatch? Remove Scratches
- Replies: 7
- Views: 23093
Re: Ploywatch? Remove Scratches
Have you checked that there is no screen protector attached to the glas? Sometimes it is hard to see, look at the outer edges of the screen for a jump in "screen hight".
- Monday 23. December 2024, 14:22
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: Umkehrdruck
- Replies: 4
- Views: 3048
Re: Umkehrdruck
Im OC-Modus wird der Luftbedarf für den Aufstieg (inkl. Deko) berechnet.
Im CCR Modus ist eine Gasbedarfsberechnung "auf dem Loop" nicht sinnvoll definierbar,
daher aktiviert diese Funktion im CCR-Modus eine Bail-Out-Gas-Berechnung.
Im OC-Modus wird der Luftbedarf für den Aufstieg (inkl. Deko) berechnet.
Im CCR Modus ist eine Gasbedarfsberechnung "auf dem Loop" nicht sinnvoll definierbar,
daher aktiviert diese Funktion im CCR-Modus eine Bail-Out-Gas-Berechnung.
- Sunday 22. December 2024, 21:29
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: Umkehrdruck
- Replies: 4
- Views: 3048
Re: Umkehrdruck
Hast du die Berechnung aktiviert?
In der englischen Sprachversion:
Main Menu -> Dive/Deco Setup -> SAc Setup -> Calc.Gas(B/O): Yes
In der englischen Sprachversion:
Main Menu -> Dive/Deco Setup -> SAc Setup -> Calc.Gas(B/O): Yes
- Friday 20. December 2024, 07:36
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: Feature request hwOS Tech: ADD +5
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2709
Re: Feature request hwOS Tech: ADD +5
To be preceise, the OSTC will show the "future" Total Time to Surface, but not the complete deco schedule for +5 mins (or whatever you set the look-ahaed time). Internally, during the calculation, these data are available, but they do not get published to the user interface (screen) due to no space ...
- Wednesday 13. November 2024, 07:39
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: OSTC Sport Plus geht nicht in den Tauchmodus
- Replies: 9
- Views: 11198
Re: OSTC Sport Plus geht nicht in den Tauchmodus
The OSTC wakes up from sleep state at 1160 hPa If at <= 880 hPa, the OSTC switches to high altitude mode If not in high altitude mode, the OSTC starts dive mode at surface pressure + 125 hPa If in high altitude mode, the OSTC starts dive mode at surface pressure + 325 hPa hPa are approx the same as ...
- Wednesday 13. November 2024, 07:30
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: CNS 97%
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3469
Re: CNS 97%
Well then, honestly, give the computer a full reset (Erase Logbook, Tissues and then Reboot). Maybe your unit captured a neutrino (= once in a billon bit flip somethwere in RAM), i don't know.
- Tuesday 12. November 2024, 06:59
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: CNS 97%
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3469
Re: CNS 97%
OK, that makes it harder to tell what happened... When the logbook itself (list of dives, time & depth per dive, CNS before & after, batt level, ...) is avail, put not the profile, thisis most likely that the profile storage is full and new dives overwrite the oldest ones. That because the ...
- Sunday 10. November 2024, 08:34
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: CNS 97%
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3469
Re: CNS 97%
What gas was the dive on, i.e. what gas was selected on the OSTC?
Can you post a screenshot from the dive profile from the logbook?
Can you post a screenshot from the dive profile from the logbook?
- Wednesday 30. October 2024, 06:34
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: Maximum O2 content in the loop
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3680
Re: Maximum O2 content in the loop
Ah, sorry, i confused with the calibration menue. Here's a 1:1 copy of the code where this setting gets into use: // get the current sensor reading (CCR / pSCR if fitted) or the fixed setpoint (CCR) / a zero (pSCR) const_ppO2 = 0.01 * char_I_const_ppO2; // Limit the setpoint to the maximum ...
- Tuesday 29. October 2024, 17:53
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: Maximum O2 content in the loop
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3680
Re: Maximum O2 content in the loop
the default value is actually 21%, but you can set any value between 21% and 100%.
The set value will be stored, so once you change it to 98% it stays at 98%.
the default value is actually 21%, but you can set any value between 21% and 100%.
The set value will be stored, so once you change it to 98% it stays at 98%.
- Thursday 3. October 2024, 13:17
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: OSTC Sport Plus geht nicht in den Tauchmodus
- Replies: 9
- Views: 11198
Re: OSTC Sport Plus geht nicht in den Tauchmodus
Es geht auch einfacher über das Menü -> System -> Reset -> Reboot (oder so ähnlich, habe gerade keinen OSTC zur Hand um das genaue Wording zu prüfen).
- Wednesday 2. October 2024, 20:35
- Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
- Topic: OSTC4 not calculating Deco correctly. Possible Bug?
- Replies: 12
- Views: 14632
Re: OSTC4 not calculating Deco correctly. Possible Bug?
Hi, thanks for mentioning my name as a helpful ressource, let me try to answer to your observations. First of all, i need to say that i do know nearly every line of code of the 2's models, but actually never looked into the model 4 code. Anyhow, i belive your observations relate to fundamental ...
- Wednesday 2. October 2024, 15:47
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: Bug? Simulator/Planner shows ‚no breathable gas at depth‘
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4226
Re: Bug? Simulator/Planner shows ‚no breathable gas at depth‘
Please check your max ppO2 setting. I suspect 32% 30m aka 4 bar ambient pressure exceeds the current max work ppO2.
- Sunday 15. September 2024, 08:37
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: OSTC Sport - Need help about display
- Replies: 11
- Views: 12505
Re: OSTC Sport - Need help about display
Hello Robert, have a nice time at the Maldives! Actually S/D factors and GF factors can both be used at the same time. The S/D factors are enabled by setting them to either 100/100 = disabled or anything else to have them come into action. Technically, they are a multiplicand to the on- and off ...
- Friday 13. September 2024, 19:13
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: OSTC Sport - Need help about display
- Replies: 11
- Views: 12505
Re: OSTC Sport - Need help about display
We have identified the faulty line in the code that causes this erratic "deco stop at 0m" indication. It has no side effects can can be ignored. It does only happen if plain Bühlmann is selected, i.e. Bühlman without GF. The erratic indication can be circumvented by enabling the GF extension and s ...
- Monday 9. September 2024, 17:08
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: OSTC Sport - Need help about display
- Replies: 11
- Views: 12505
Re: OSTC Sport - Need help about display
> Note that I'm able to reproduce this behaviour in simulation mode.
Wow, please share the settings & procedure that replicates this behaviour!
Wow, please share the settings & procedure that replicates this behaviour!
- Sunday 8. September 2024, 11:17
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: OSTC Sport - Need help about display
- Replies: 11
- Views: 12505
Re: OSTC Sport - Need help about display
The OSTC should not compute a deco stop on 0 meters. As the time is rounded up to full minutes, 1' could be anything down to 1 second and hence this whole 0 m - 1' a glitch due to rounding errors. Maybe the surface pressure has changed significantly during the dive, making the OSTC to belive the 0 ...
- Monday 2. September 2024, 11:30
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: Cave Edition
- Replies: 5
- Views: 12767
Re: Cave Edition
Update im Sinne Veränderungen am Code: nein - keine gemeldeten Probleme, allerdings auch nur eine kleine User-Base, ist halt eine Spezial-Version. Der Cave-Mode Code ist in den "normalen" Firmware-Versionen nicht drin, auf Anfrage können wir aber die aktuelle FW mit dem Cave-Mode Code zusammen ü ...
- Friday 23. August 2024, 20:19
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: Leitgewebe / Saturation
- Replies: 9
- Views: 9392
Re: Leitgewebe / Saturation
Hallo, zu 1: Die Ceiling wird berechnet aus der aktuellen Übersättigung des Leitgewebes und dem aktuellen GF Wert. Der aktuelle GF Wert gleitet vom GF low Wert am ersten Stopp zum GF high Wert am Erreichen der Oberfläche. zu 2: Den Begriff "SurfaceGF" wie du ihn verwendest gibt es nicht bzw. er ist s ...
- Tuesday 20. August 2024, 07:52
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: Leitgewebe / Saturation
- Replies: 9
- Views: 9392
Re: Leitgewebe / Saturation
PS: Wenn man die Deko reißt, dann werden aktuelle Übersättigungen > 100% angezeigt und auch ins Logbuch geschrieben. Gleichzeitig zeigt der OSTC dann eine 'outside' Warnung, weil Übersättigungen jenseits des M-Wertes im Buhmann Modell nicht definiert sind. 105% mag noch im Limit eines einzelnen Tauc ...
- Tuesday 20. August 2024, 07:08
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: Leitgewebe / Saturation
- Replies: 9
- Views: 9392
Re: Leitgewebe / Saturation
Im Prinzip ja, wenn man ihn GF100 nennen würde... Aber so rein sachlich ist das auch falsch, denn erstmal werden die Gewebedrücke berechnet sowie die M-Werte nach Buhmann. Danach werden die Übersättigungen berechnet und das Leitgewebe bestimmt, dessen Übersättigung wird als aktueller Saturation Wert ...
- Monday 19. August 2024, 14:55
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: Leitgewebe / Saturation
- Replies: 9
- Views: 9392
Re: Leitgewebe / Saturation
Ah, ok: 100% sind für jedes Gewebe immer das Maximum gemäß Buhmann, ohne Berücksichtigung der GF. Angezeigt wird der höchste Wert aller Gewebe. Man sollte also so tauchen, dass man nie über die 100% kommt. Wenn man einen GF high von 80% eingestellt hat, ist der letzte Stopp zu Ende wenn man an der Ob ...
- Monday 19. August 2024, 07:18
- Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
- Topic: Leitgewebe / Saturation
- Replies: 9
- Views: 9392
Re: Leitgewebe / Saturation
Hallo Mike, Die Balken zeigen direkt die Übersättigung. Im Oberflächen-Modus zeigen die vertikalen farbigen Linien wo GF low, GF high und 100% liegen. Im Tauchmodus ist die Grafik eher als Trend-Anzeige gedacht: welche Gewebe sättigen gerade auf, welche ab. Ansonsten sollte man sich UW an die ang ...
- Thursday 20. June 2024, 06:02
- Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
- Topic: OSTC4 Vs Shearwater Perdix 2 Real world diferences
- Replies: 10
- Views: 11849
Re: OSTC4 Vs Shearwater Perdix 2 Real world diferences
Hi Divert, > I don't think that my GF Low had any role in this dive as there was only one stop (at 6m depth) Well, a short recap on how deco calculation works: The computer cyclically calculates an ascent with 10 m/min, and when this calculation ends up with the leading tissue supersaturation beeing ...