Search found 10 matches

by thomas.horner
Thursday 16. November 2023, 11:56
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: TC switched to bootloader
Replies: 12
Views: 147400

Re: TC switched to bootloader

TomtheRom wrote: Thursday 16. November 2023, 11:36 One suggestion / feature request:
As I am struggling several times to find the 'sweet spot' for the loading pad - would it be possible to get/manufacture a different back plate with a 'groove' for the loading pad at the right spot?
+1 👍🏻
by thomas.horner
Sunday 24. September 2023, 09:47
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: hwOS4: New Firmware 1.6.5 with RTE 3.20
Replies: 13
Views: 169913

Re: hwOS4: New Firmware 1.6.4 with RTE 3.20

Issues found so far: Placing the OSTC4 onto the charger triggers the timer-countdown screen. After that screen finishes it's 10 seconds countdown, instead of starting the timer the actual charging screen comes up. When going into custom views, selecting Big Font, then pressing the middle button, my ...
by thomas.horner
Monday 24. October 2022, 18:34
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: gleich mehrere Probleme - einschicken?
Replies: 12
Views: 23756

Re: gleich mehrere Probleme - einschicken?

Moin! Ich habe noch die 1.5.0... Können zwischenzeitliche Neuerungen übersprungen werden und gleich 1.6.0 installiert werden? (Zumindest Mal versuchen😇) Gruß Mario [1.5.1] with RTE 2.00 FIX: 1.5.0 could enter dive mode when ambient pressure reduced during flight ... wurde also unmittelbar nach deine ...
by thomas.horner
Sunday 23. October 2022, 11:44
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: gleich mehrere Probleme - einschicken?
Replies: 12
Views: 23756

Re: gleich mehrere Probleme - einschicken?

Servus Mario, betreffend dem Flugtransport: da gab es tatsächlich mal exakt so ein Problem wie du es beschreibst. Ich hatte das sogar selbst erlebt auf einem Flug nach Mexico. Das wurde damals sehr rasch in der Firmware behoben. Hast du eine sehr alte Version der Software auf deinem Gerät? Lg, Thomas
by thomas.horner
Sunday 28. August 2022, 13:48
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: Problem building from source
Replies: 1
Views: 5735

Re: Problem building from source

Hey @hmpws, did you manage to build using eclipse?
I'd personally prefer to have a simple Makefile as I'm not perfectly happy about the idea of having to install eclipse.
by thomas.horner
Sunday 28. August 2022, 13:25
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: Source code review
Replies: 0
Views: 82315

Source code review

In file Discovery/Src/gfx_engine.c in line 3037 there's a possible null pointer dereference as two lines above, in line 3035, the variable it explicitly set to zero (NULL pointer, if you want). Line 3037 is missing a check for pText != 0 In file Discovery/Src/gfx_engine.c in line 3159 the variable ...
by thomas.horner
Sunday 21. August 2022, 16:17
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: hwOS4: New Firmware 1.6.0 with RTE 2.09
Replies: 7
Views: 18882

Re: hwOS4: New Firmware 1.6.0 with RTE 2.09

[...] On August 2nd I managed to accidentally "freeze" the OSTC4 again. I say "freeze" because this time it luckily didn't actually freeze or crash again, but it was "just" not updating the UI anymore and it was "only" pre-dive where I could still get it working again. To "activate" the bug ...
by thomas.horner
Friday 19. August 2022, 14:43
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: hwOS4: New Firmware 1.6.0 with RTE 2.09
Replies: 7
Views: 18882

Re: hwOS4: New Firmware 1.6.0 with RTE 2.09

Thanks Matthias, I confirm this works 😃👍🏻
by thomas.horner
Friday 19. August 2022, 14:27
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: hwOS4: New Firmware 1.6.0 with RTE 2.09
Replies: 7
Views: 18882

Re: hwOS4: New Firmware 1.6.0 with RTE 2.09

Just updated and now trying out the charging feature. So far, it just shows: --- Hour(s) till 100% --- And then a chart below which shows it's charging with speed on the high-end which looks plausible. Even after writing this text and re-checking several times, inlcuding re-activating the screen two ...
by thomas.horner
Saturday 29. September 2018, 11:30
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: OSTC eingefroren...
Replies: 3
Views: 6691

Re: OSTC eingefroren...

Meiner ist auch schon 2 mal eingefroren innerhalb von weniger als 70 Tauchgängen 😢