OSTC Tools for Windows - HWOS Config for Android

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OSTC Tools for Windows - HWOS Config for Android

Post by Rob »


There is a new Version of OSTCTools availible.

OSTC4 Support in HWOSConfig and some bugfixes.

With this program you can change all parameters of the following OSTC Computers: OSTC4, OSTC2, OSTC3, OSTC3+, OSTC cR and OSTC Sport.

Bugfixes in OSTCProfile when loading old OSTC2N/C profiles.

You can Download the OSTCTools free of charge at:

Best regards

Hallo zusammen,

Es gibt mal wieder eine neue Version der OSTCTools.

Der OSTC4 wird nun von HWOSConfig unterstützt und ein paar Bugs wurden gefixt.

OSTCProfile - Bugfixes bei der Anzeige von OSTC2N/C Profilen.

HWOS Config zum ändern aller Parameter der folgenden OSTC Tauchcomputer:
OSTC4, OSTC2, OSTC3, OSTC3+, OSTC cR and OSTC Sport.

Die OSTCTools können wie immer hier kostenlos downgeloaded werden:

Viele Grüße
Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Rob »


There is a new Version of OSTCTools availible.

Latest functions for OSTC4 (Button sensitivity)
Fix: OSTC2/Plus Model detection.

Remove of the registration screen. No more searial neccessary.

There are Three setup files availible.

- ostctools-hwos-setup.exe
for The latest OSTCs (including all OSTC with HWOS firmware)
OSTC4, OSTC2, OSTC3, OSTC3+, OSTC cR and OSTC Sport.

- ostctools-ostc2n-setup.exe
for the old OSTC 2N/C

- ostctools-setup.exe
a setup including all OSTC-Tools.

You can Download the OSTCTools free of charge at:

Best regards

Hallo zusammen,

Es gibt mal wieder eine neue Version der OSTCTools.

OSTC4 Button Sensitivyty
OSTC2/Plus Modell erkennung.

Ich habe den Registrierungsdialog entfernt. Eine Seriennummer ist nicht mehr nötig.

Es gibt nun drei Setups zum Download:
- ostctools-hwos-setup.exe
für die aktuellen OSTCs (inklusiver aller OSTCs mit HWOS Firmware)
OSTC4, OSTC2, OSTC3, OSTC3+, OSTC cR and OSTC Sport.

- ostctools-ostc2n-setup.exe
für den alten OSTC 2N/C (mit den Custom Functions)

- ostctools-setup.exe
ein Setup für alle Modelle.

Die OSTCTools können wie immer hier kostenlos downgeloaded werden:

Viele Grüße
Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Motardplongeur »


An issue with your tool : when launchong it, Avast tell me there is a "FileRep malware" (file "trz161D.tmp") ; threat name is "IDP.generic.636167c09791.3.2".

(tool downloaded from :
"Aktuelle Version für HWOS Computer:

Zum Download des Programmes hier klicken. (ostctools-hwos-setup.exe, 2020kB)"

Any risk to use it or ?

Thanks for your answer
Les pieds dans l'eau, la tête dans les étoiles, le reste sur terre !

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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by karip »

Avast check that file. Answer is positive. Do NOT install.
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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Rob »


i have downoladed and checked the file again, here with GData Internet Security and it says all the versions are clean.

So, i think you should download the file again from my website.
Maybe from a different pc in case yout pc is infected.
Or it is an problem on the avast side.

Does anybody else has a virus warning with my setups?

I have checked the files with Symantec endpoint protection too-
No virus found.
So either your pc is infected, or it is a false alarm from your scanner.

Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Rob »

Symantec Endpoint protection tells me that the files are clean either.

So i think that either your pc is infected, or this is a false alarm from your scanner.

Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by heinrichsweikamp »

The file is fine, false alarm from your virus scanner.

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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by ling »

I can not install any version for OSTC 2 of OSTC Companion / Planner I get a warning that says I'm not supported by my PC. My PC has a Windows 7 Professional 32 bit system.
Can you give me some suggestion?
Thank you

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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Rob »

Sorry ling,

i cant help you,
you shold contact ostcplanner.net
but it seems that ostc companion is a 64bit Application.

Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by ling »

I solved the SUbsurface application.
Thank you.

Best regards
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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Fabio89 »


I am a brand new OSTC 2 TR user and wanted to use the HWOSCONFIG software to make some changes to the custom functions. Unfortunately after successful connecting I couldn't do anything. Did I install the correct software?

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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Rob »

Hi Fabio,

there is something strange.
Can you tell me the OSTC firmware version and language you are using?
The connect seems to be ok... i have to check with the firmware.

Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Fabio89 »


I am using OSTC 2 TR with firmware 2.99 B.5

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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Fabio89 »

Hi Rob

I am using firmware 2.99 B.5 with German language.

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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Rob »

Hi Fabio89,

problem solved.
Please load teh latest Version of HWOSConfig (v1.2.0.0) from my homepage.

That will fix your problem.

Sorry for that.

Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Rob »

Hallo zusammen,

[English below]

eine neue Version von HWOS Config liegt im Playstore und sollte automatisch installiert werden.

Gefixt ist der Bug beim Drehen des Bildschirmes.
und ein paar intene Kleinigkeiten.

Ach ja, das Icon ist jetzt bunt ;-)

Danke an Matthias und Ralph für das Mitteilen des Fehlers auf der Boot.

Viele Grüße

Hello, everybody,

a new version of HWOS Config is in the Playstore and should be installed automatically.

The bug is fixed when turning the screen.
and a few minor bugs.

Oh yes, the icon is now in colour ;-)

Thanks to Matthias and Ralph for reporting the bug on the boot show.

Best regards
Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Fabio89 »


I tried to download the new version from your homepage but it seems that the download file was not yet updated. only old version can be downloaded.

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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Rob »

Hi Fabio,

i checked it and cleand the cache. now it should work.
If you got still the old versin try a "private window" in your browser.
This enshures tht the local cache is emptied.

Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Fabio89 »

Hi Rob

Now I was able to download the updated version. Also connection to my OSTC2 TR works now but unfortunately the communication between software and OSTC is not working. List valuas in software totally differ from values in my OSTC and control via software does not work.

Additionally I was not able to find the custom functions (I just had the "main menue" list as on my computer).

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Re: OSTC Tools - new Version

Post by Rob »

Hi Fabio,

what do you mean by Custom functions - the HWOS OSTCs don't have CustomFunctions.
I've checked every setting with my TR Tech Firmware 2.99 and everything works properly. No differences between the values in OSTC and the shown values in HWOS Config.
Can you be a bit more specific about what is not working, i.e which values differ what is shown and what is set in OSTC.

Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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Re: OSTC Tools for Windows - HWOS Config for Android

Post by Rob »

Hello forum,

i just released a new verson of HWOS Confog for Android. Now it supports OSTC4 Firmwareupdates.

you can find it here

But - i did a mistake - i tried to setup a BETA programm for this App in play store and this version should be in beta first. Somehow it finds its way to the release channel.
As there is no change in the HWOS routines and only OSTC4 is new implemented, i let the version as it is.
Please be aware that this is a Beta and feel free to send me your feedback, here in the forum or in a email.

If you find any Problems with this version togerther with HWOS firmware, please contact me an i will restore the old version.

To calm down, I have done about 30 firmware up and downgrades and all ran smoothly with my hardware.

Best regards


Hallo forum,

ich habe gerade iene neue Version von HWOS Config für Android veröffentlicht. Die App unterstützt jetzt Firmwareupdates für den OSTC4.

Ihr könnt sie hier laden

Aber, mir ist ein Fehler unterlaufen. Ich habe versucht ein BETA Programm im PlayStore einzurichten, denn diese Version sollte zuerst als BETA getestet werden. Irgendwie hat diese Version ihren Weg in den Release Kanal gefunden.
Aber da keinerlei änderungen am ursprünglichen HWOS Code gemacht wurden und lediglicher der OSTC4 Support hinzugekommen ist, belasse ich es mal so.

Solltet ihr irgendwelche Probleme mit dieser Version und HWOS Firmware haben, sagt mir bitte bescheid, dann lade ich die alte Version wieder hoch.

Bitte denkt daran das das eine BETA ist, probiert es aus und schickt mir euer Feedback gerne hier im Forum oder per email.

Zur Beruhigung, ich habe ca 30 Firmware up und downgrades gemacht und alle liefen Problemlos mit meiner Hardware.

Best regards
Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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Re: OSTC Tools for Windows - HWOS Config for Android

Post by Rob »

Hi folks,

yesterday i uploaded a new BETA Version of HWOS Config for Android.

Now it is a BETA and its not escaped to the release channel ;).

if you'd like to join the Betatest follow this Link
Than, you recieve new BETA versions of the Software automatically via google play.

Hallo zusammen,

gestern habe ich eine neue Beta Version von HWOS Config für Android auf den Playstore geladen.
Diesmal ist es wirklich eine Beta und nicht "entkommen" ;)

Wer die Betatest Version haben möchte klickt bitte auf diesen Link, du bekommst dann automatisch über google Play die Beta sobald sie hochgeladen ist.

Best regards/ viele Grüße
Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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Re: OSTC Tools for Windows - HWOS Config for Android

Post by Rob »


i just uploaded a new version of HWOSConfig for Android (1.1.10) to Google, it should be availibele in some hours.

The problem with android 9 (Pie) is now fixed, as far as i can see. (cross fingers)

The problem with the disappearing progressbar when touched should be fixed too.

When you have problems, please tell me.

Best regards

German / Deutsch ------------------------------------------

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe gerade eine neue Version von HWOSConfig für Android (1.1.10) auf Google bereigestellt, Google üblich sollte sie in ein paar Stunden verfügbar sein.

Die Probleme mit Android 9 (Pie) sollten nun gefixt sein.

Das Problem mit dem verschwindenden Progressdialog auch.

Sollten noch Probleme auftauchen bitte meldet es mir gleich.

Viele Grüße
Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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Re: OSTC Tools for Windows - HWOS Config for Android

Post by Rob »


i just uploaded a new version of HWOS Config for Android (1.2.01), according to google playstore it should be availible in some hours.

Keeps only a certain number of firmwarefiles on the device. Please check the settings.

firmware upgrade routines revised. According to some problems with fast devices.

firmware upgrade routines revised. According to some problems with fast devices.
The Problen thet Firmware and RTE needs to be separately upgraded should be solved.

Users with the latest Phones (fast ones), please give me feedback if there are problems or not.

Best reagrds

German / Deutsch ------------------------------------------

ich habe gerade eine neue Version von HWOS Config für Android (1.2.01) in den Playstore geladen, laut google ist diese in den nächsten Stunden verfügbar.

Es werden nur noch eine festgelegte Anzahl an Firmwarefiles auf dem Gerät behalten. Bitte in den Einstellungen prüfen.

Die Firmware Upgrade Routinen wurden überarbeitet, das es Probleme mit sehr schnellen Smartphones gab.

Die Firmware Upgrade Routinen wurden überarbeitet, das es Probleme mit sehr schnellen Smartphones gab.
Das Problem das man für Firmware und RTE den Upgrade zweimal durchführen musste sollte nun bereinigt sein.

Nutzer die ein schnelles, aktuelles Smartphone haben, bitt gebt mir kurz Feedback ob es Probleme gibt oder nicht.

Viele Grüße
Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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Re: OSTC Tools for Windows - HWOS Config for Android

Post by Rob »


a new version of HWOS Config for Android (1.2.02) is availible in Google playstore.

Bugfix: Heartbeat implemented, this prevents the automatic disconnect of an existing bluetooth connection from the OSTC.
Bugfix: Umlauts and special characters are allowed with the personalization (custom text).

This is for HWOS and OSTC4.

Best reagrds

German / Deutsch ------------------------------------------


eine neue Version von HWOS Config für Android (1.2.02) ist im Google Playstore verfügbar.

Bugfix: Heartbeat implementiert, dieser verhindert ein automatisches schließen der Bluetooth Verbindung seitens des OSTCs.
Bugfix: Umlaute und Sonderzeichen können zur personalisierung (custom text) des OSTC verwendet werden.

Gilt für HWOS und OSTC4.

Viele Grüße
Home: http://www.angermayr.eu
email: ostctools@angermayr.eu
Home of OSTC Tools: http://ostctools.angermayr.eu
HWOSConfig for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.angermayr.hwosconfig
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