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Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Thursday 5. January 2012, 20:15
by swissdiving

Paypal payment done.

I had the problem when updating the OSTC Planner as well. I uninstalled and re-installed. Now its ok.

Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Tuesday 10. January 2012, 01:15
by JeanDo

I just pushed a version 168, to fix a runtime (CNS and gas consomation) issue with specific configurations (Thanks to a report from Bardass).

It should automatically propose to download and install by tomorrow.


Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Wednesday 11. January 2012, 09:38
by PeterK
Dear JeanDo: Currently the version number is also used for naming the folder. Although the setup will install a new and correct entry in the Windows start menu I allways need to manually reorganize as I dislike the default way. If you pick a generic name and just owerwrite the old files I could keep my menu.

Just a suggestion.

Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Thursday 12. January 2012, 13:35
by Touchwood
Great piece of software! I like it! It installs and runs perfectly on my Win7 PC and reads and writes without issues to my OSTC 2N, no problems!

I've noticed one issue however, I have custom functions CF56 & CF57 set to the default of '200' which equates to a gas consumption of 20 litres/min. When I read the OSTC's settings into the Planner software these two settings are displayed in red and are set to '99'. If I change the settings for these functions to '25' and '20' respectively in the Planner and then write the settings back to the device they are stored on the device as '2.5' and '2.0' respectively.

To correct this I have to enter into (the Planner) the values '250' and '200' respectively and upload these to the device and this writes the correct values of '25' and '20' to the CFs 56 & 57. However, reading them back again to the Planner shows them as '99' and '99' and both in colour 'red'.

Hope this helps.


Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Thursday 12. January 2012, 13:49
by scubatinoo
@touchwood: which firmware is on your OSTC?

Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Thursday 12. January 2012, 14:10
by swissdiving

Two Points.
1. When updating with the update function in OSTC Planner it downloaded the latest update and started to install. During the installation I got the message that OSTC Planner was open and to continue it would have to be closed.
--> Actually I just noticed that the Updater is now seperate of the OSTC Planner. So I'll have to re-test whether point 1 is still relevant.<--

Could you insert a routine that closes OSTC Planner after the download and at the begin of the intallation.

2. I noticed there is a D2XX Drivers FTDI driver for Android. Would this driver allow for the OSTC Planner to be ported to Android.
I agree, to have the OSTC Planner on a Tablet would be brilliant...

Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Friday 13. January 2012, 10:32
by TnT
JeanDo Wrote:
> Super! Your procedure enables me to reproduce the
> bug here. And to discover that COM ports over 9
> have the obvious name \\.\COM10 ... Don't ask :(

The explanation is that COM0-9 are treated like pseudo files. They don't really exist in the filesystem, but if you try to open them, the OS knows about these special names and does the right thing. It's a legacy MS-DOS thing.

For higher port numbers (or any non-standard names), this special mapping doesn't exist and trying to open them will fails (unless you actually have a file with that name I suppose). By prefixing with \\.\ you are accessing the device namespace directly without even going through the filesystem layer.

Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Friday 13. January 2012, 11:11
by TnT
swissdiving Wrote:
> 2. I noticed there is a D2XX Drivers FTDI driver
> for Android. Would this driver allow for the OSTC
> Planner to be ported to Android.
> I agree, to have the OSTC Planner on a Tablet
> would be brilliant...

I think you don't even need the D2XX driver at all. The linux kernel (which Android is based on) already contains a driver for the FTDI usb-serial chip in the OSTC. Most likely this driver isn't build by default for Android, but technically it should be possible to build it. You also need USB host support. In a nutshell USB host mode means the device is capable to act as a PC-like system accepting other USB devices, rather than acting as a USB device itself (which is what happens when you connect your android device to a PC). This is very low-level (below the java application development level).

From what I have read on the D2XX driver, is that it provides a more user friendly java interface. Downside is that you have to port the communication code to use the D2XX API, instead of the regular serial communication.

But that's all theory at this moment and I don't have any practical experience with all this.

Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Friday 13. January 2012, 11:53
by swissdiving
I have an Acer Iconia A500 and can attach all sorts of usb devices. I ll plug in the ostc to see what happens. Probably not much...

Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Friday 13. January 2012, 13:26
by Touchwood
The latest scubatinoo, v2.01


Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Friday 13. January 2012, 13:28
by Touchwood
scubatinoo Wrote:
> @touchwood: which firmware is on your OSTC?

The latest scubatinoo, v2.01 I can send a screen grab if you like?

Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Friday 13. January 2012, 13:44
by scubatinoo
Matthias wrote me once:
"CF56 and CF57 have been changed to no decimal in 2.02beta, so the old default value is now out of the recommended range."

I couldn't check the combination OSTC-Planner and OSTC-Computer, but i guess that the OSTC-Planner is adopted to the latest firmware, which in december was 2.09beta

This would be for me the reason why the decimal point jumps from 20.0 to 200 and backwards...

but that's just a guess. maybe JeanDo can answer the details to his programm

Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Saturday 14. January 2012, 17:06
by JeanDo
Scubatinoo is right, the unit for SAC have changed recently, and OSTC-Planner is assuming the new unit (in L/Min), requested by those wanting to enter values bigger than 25 L/min.

Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Monday 16. January 2012, 17:41
by Touchwood

Thanks. Unless I'm missing something the trouble is that the planner is writing back, to the device, incorrect values for bottom and ascent gas consumption. The labels on the planner interface say (Bottom Gas (/min)) and if I assume this is requesting litres/min (since that is what the OSTC uses) and enter say, 25 for my consumption then it will be written back to the device as only 2.5 litres/min.

Best regards


Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Friday 20. January 2012, 16:18
by Touchwood
Cool! Looks like it's in the 2.20 release.

Haven't loaded it yet but it looks like HW have been working hard:-) Seems to be plenty in this release.

OSTC Planner - German and French translations.

Posted: Wednesday 25. January 2012, 13:44
by JeanDo
Thanks to kind contribitions from Laurent Bardassier, Pierre Vidalot, Hansjörg Stieger and Beat Keller, we now have German and French translations of OSTC Planner :-)

The new version 222 (in sync with firmware 2.20) is being pushed today.

Note: The Spanish translation is comming soon.

Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Wednesday 25. January 2012, 14:02
by Jean-François
Awesome work. Really looking forward to it.

On a side note, can I post some feedback about the UI ?

Super merci beaucoup. Je me réjouis d'essayer tout ça.

P.s: pourrais-je faire des remarques sur l'interface ?

Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software.

Posted: Wednesday 25. January 2012, 17:37
by JeanDo
Yes you always can.

The main idea was to have all deco and dive parameters in one big window. Which is nice on a big screen.
But there is people out there running on small netbooks... so I am looking for the winner idea to a more compact interface.


Re: OSTC Planner - new decompression software - Now for the Macintosh

Posted: Monday 13. February 2012, 19:37
by JeanDo

I just released the Mac version of OSTC Planner. After a short month and many feedbacks from a dozen of helpfull beta-testers, you can download a universal-binary version, suitable for all macintosh since Mac OS X 10.5 (old PowerPC G4) up to the latest ones under Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion with Intel processors).

Oups... Better to go to that thread.
