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Big issue after CF modification with OSTC Planner

Posted: Wednesday 28. November 2012, 22:05
by Obu44

I just received my Ostc. I had a big issue with the synchro With ostc Planner. I can made the connection with ostc Planner for the cf modification but after the synchro m'y ostc was Luke a flashing light ( it Start and reset always with sometimes showing the simulation screen) and i had some difficulties to reset it (événement with a magnet reset and a firware update, it Still stay in the flash light mode. Nos it is ok ( i do not Knowles How i made) but i am afraid to use ostc Planner.

The error message after the magnet reset was:

Reinitialisation inattendue
129 tzCOBt. 44. 2
0. 6. 32192. 0

Ps: i am using a Mac
Sometimes the ostc says something "....hasch in progress. Md2...."

Best regards


Re: Big issue after CF modification with OSTC Planner

Posted: Wednesday 28. November 2012, 22:19
by Bardass
Ne t'inquiète pas, j'ai déjà eu cela, contacte directement le concepteur d'ostc planner, JeanDo, le forum HW n'est pas responsable des buts sur ostc planner.
Si tu n'as pas confiance dans ostc planner pour la mise à jour, tu peux aussi utiliser jdivelog qui fonctionne très bien sur Mac.
Si tu fais une recherche, tu verras que le message "hasch" est normal après une montée de version.

Re: Big issue after CF modification with OSTC Planner

Posted: Thursday 29. November 2012, 00:08
by Obu44
Thanks a lot.

Another question the battery informations: on my new ostc the informations battery shows: "cycles: 25604 (33)". I am not shure but i think that Before the bug i had the informations was cycles: 2 (1).

Is it normal?

Re: Big issue after CF modification with OSTC Planner

Posted: Thursday 29. November 2012, 08:19
by Rob
Hi Obu,

no, thats not normal!

I think that your OSTC's memory was not written correctly.

I suggest that you examine with minuteness your OSTC's settings!
Or, reset the settings to default.


Re: Big issue after CF modification with OSTC Planner

Posted: Thursday 29. November 2012, 09:03
by swissdiving
I agree with Rob. And you really should do a complete reset.
I would also suggest that you first get to know your OSTC in its standard configuration before you start changing CF's. You really need to know what you're doing as a missconfiguration could endager you life.

Re: Big issue after CF modification with OSTC Planner

Posted: Thursday 29. November 2012, 09:09
by Rob
Hi there,

does a complete Reset of the OSTC also reset the informations in memory as "battery cycles: 25604 (33)"?
I didn't check that, but i think it won't.

Check it out, and if those informations still show crazy numbers, use OSTCTools to reset them to "normal" values.

If you are not 100% shure what you are doing, ask here in the forum if that's a good idea!


Re: Big issue after CF modification with OSTC Planner

Posted: Thursday 29. November 2012, 09:14
by Obu44
I made a complete reset and I changed the CF only through the OSTC itself because now, I am afraid to change them with OSTC planner (like if the CF number in OSTC planner do not match with them in the OSTC).

As I said it is OK now. But what's about the indications on the battery cycle ?
Does anybody has some troubles with OSTC planner ?

Re: Big issue after CF modification with OSTC Planner

Posted: Thursday 29. November 2012, 09:20
by Bardass
un seul problème avec Ostc Planner lors d'une mise à jour du firmware, identique à ton problème, avec mon MAC, résolu avec l'aimant
c'est arrivé une seule fois et je fais des mises à jour depuis la version 1.70, soit avec Jdivelog soit avec ostc planner

aucun problème pour mettre à jour les CF, cela fonctionne parfaitement

Re: Big issue after CF modification with OSTC Planner

Posted: Thursday 29. November 2012, 09:24
by tiefunten
Which firmware version are you using? There was a problem in an older firmware which lead to rather "interesting" temperature readings in the battery menu. On the other hand, IIRC, there were no reports about strange readings in the battery cycle section so far...

Re: Big issue after CF modification with OSTC Planner

Posted: Thursday 29. November 2012, 09:32
by Rob
Hi tiefunten,

i think those problem values come from a failure in updateing the ostc with the settings and has nothing to do with the firmware.


Re: Big issue after CF modification with OSTC Planner

Posted: Thursday 29. November 2012, 09:33
by swissdiving
I think you're right. The cycles would probably not be reset. Though I thought with our tool that would be possible (Temperature)?
However I wouldn't think that the battery cycles matter all that much. At worst they reduce the live of the battery (not litterally). Though HW would have to answer that.

If you are not sure send HW an eMail and ask them directly.
If for some reason the connection to the OSTC is interrupted while uploading the configuration to the OSTC, you get wierd stuff on the OSTC.
Rubbish in, rubbish out.

And yes, as Rob says, before fiddling with the OSTC without knowing what you're doing it would be sensibel to ask questions in the forum first.

Re: Big issue after CF modification with OSTC Planner

Posted: Thursday 29. November 2012, 09:36
by Obu44
Firmware 2.5 french version.

The huge number of cycles appears after the issue with the CF update through jdivelog (flash of the screen with no way to take the management of the setting: reboot of the system each time I touch a button)

Re: Big issue after CF modification with OSTC Planner

Posted: Thursday 29. November 2012, 09:58
by swissdiving
So, if I understand it all works correctly now. As far as you can tell?

And if you are really not sure you may have to send the OSTC to HW to have it checked out.