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Decotime discrepancy JJCCR-Petrel vs OSTC 2N

Posted: Wednesday 29. September 2021, 14:30
by Markus MDDT
Could not find any info in old posts or on the interwebs...

Diving the JJCCR with the shearwater petrel controller. Using my OSTC2N as a backup(no cell reader).
Settings on petrel: GF50/70, ZHL-16C, SP 0.7,1.3 last stop 6m
Settings on OSTC2N: GF50/70, ZHL-16, SP 0.7,1.3, last stop 6m

1. Which Buhlman version is used in the OSTC2N?
2. During dives the OSTC2N generates ~10min LESS deco. Why is this?

If needed I could attach dives from computers should anyone be able to help.

Thank You and safe diving!
