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No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Tuesday 10. January 2012, 16:43
by jkeep
Ive downloaded jdivelog as well as the usb drivers but can't connect.
When I go to settings/dive computer it won't let me select a dive computer.

I tried it with macdive and it works so i know theres nothing wrong with
my cable etc.

I,m trying to update the firmware, is there another way?



Re: No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Tuesday 10. January 2012, 18:05
by swissdiving
Hi Jeff,

With Mac's and JDive log its very rarely got anything to do with cable. Though just recently we had a case where the USB cable was defective. Most of the time its a question drivers and Com Ports.

Question 1:
What do you mean with with "I tried it with MacDive..." were you able to download the dives with MacDive?

If yes tell us exactly what you did so far with JDiveLog.

Its critical that you install the FTDI drivers HeinrichsWeikamp refers to and not use the drivers JdiveLog says.

For JdiveLog specific issues you may want to ask a question in the JdiveLog Forum.
JDvieLog Forum

Question 2:
If you have a new OSTC there would be the question whether you really need to do a FW update already.
Of course you most certainly will want to do one at a later stage...
But just doing a FW update for the sake of doing it doesn't make any sense. If you have FW 2.0 and don't experience any problems with the GAS settings then you don't need to do an upgrade to V2.01

Ohh and btw. have a closer look at the 2N forum there actually is more info on JdiveLog problems!

Re: No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Tuesday 10. January 2012, 21:40
by jkeep

Thanks for your answer.
I am currently running firmware 1.80 so should really do an update.

Ive installed the correct drivers and got it all working on macdive & was able to
download the dives.

since posting the thread I have managed to install and run it on my wifes mac running snow leopard (I'm on lion) therefore I thing this may be a bug with lion.

One more question, how do i do a firmware update with jdivelog.

Kindest regards,


Re: No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Tuesday 10. January 2012, 22:16
by scubatinoo

maybe it depends on the driver version of the FTDI Driver...

For the Firmware-Update:

1. Download and unzip the Firmware from the HW website
2. Connect your OSTC and turn it on
3. Run JDivelog
4. Click on the icon "dive computer"
5. Click on the tab "OSTC Firmware Update"
6. Make sure the right com port is choosen
7. Choose the firmware-file you've extracted under 1. (*.hex)
8. Open the Menu in your OSTC, go to Reboot/Reset
9. Choose Reboot OSTC
10. Click within 10 sec in the far right bottom corner of JDiveLog on "Write Flash"
11. Wait...

After a while your OSTC should reboot with the new firmware. Maybe you'll get some warnings in the top right corner of your OSTC. Check the CF's and you'll be hapyy


Re: No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Tuesday 10. January 2012, 22:19
by swissdiving

I've asked nakatome in the "com port in jdive log zuweisen" thread to help you. He's done a FW update on a mac in jdivelog...


Re: No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Tuesday 10. January 2012, 22:24
by swissdiving
ooopss scubatinoo was quicker. Thanks mate.

In your case I think you need the hex file from bootloader V1.0 since you are running FW V1.8 and then after that you can go to the hex file of V2.01

Re: No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Wednesday 11. January 2012, 08:16
by jkeep
I understand how to update the firmware with jdivelog but where is the file i
download & unzip......i can't seem to find it on the ostc website :(

I have now decided that jdivelog dosnt work with lion so am using my wifes
mac (snow leopard) unless anybody can tell me different.

Kind Regards,


Re: No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Wednesday 11. January 2012, 09:37
by scubatinoo
I don't know, but i got my first Mac just before Christmas and i'm sure that i have the newest Mac OS X on it... Which should be 10.7 --> Lion. And on my Mac everything works fine...

The stable Firmware for your OSTC you will find here:
Scroll down until you find a link to the file ""

The driver for the Virtual Com Port (VCP) you'll find here: ... 2_2_16.dmg

With this driver JDiveLog and OSTC will work together.

Re: No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Wednesday 11. January 2012, 12:26
by jkeep
Thanks scubatinoo,

Ive found the file now.....I must be blind or stupid r both lol.

I,ll update tonight & let you know how I get on.



Re: No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Wednesday 11. January 2012, 14:03
by Bardass
jdivelog works well with lion

Re: No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Wednesday 11. January 2012, 14:20
by jkeep
Bardass Wrote:
> jdivelog works well with lion

Just can't seem to get mine to work though :(

Re: No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Wednesday 11. January 2012, 21:13
by scubatinoo
Did you try to reinstall JDiveLog? Or maybe Java?

Re: No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Thursday 12. January 2012, 10:11
by jkeep

Heres where were up to............

I managed to update my firmware to 2.01 but then i got a flashing CF56/CF57 in
red in the top right hand corner.
I looked on the forum & it seems you have to reset custom functionf 56&57 to default
which I did so thats now ok.

When I go into jdivelog now it wont let me change any of the settings of my ostc
it just comes up with protocol not set.
If i go to settings-dive computer-protocol it is set to auto. Ive tried changing that but its stuck on auto.



Re: No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Thursday 12. January 2012, 12:28
by scubatinoo
As far is i discovered the settings are stored in your logbook-file... Within JDiveLog try to create a new file, try to change settings again and save your file.

(If you did that allready try to open your file again...)

Next time you'll work with JDiveLog open first your file and then all your settings are correct...

Hope so :-)

Re: No connection between my OSX Lion & jdivlog

Posted: Friday 13. January 2012, 08:29
by jkeep
Well Ive finally got it all working.........This is what I had to do.

It worked fine on my wifes mac running Snow leopard but couldn't get to to
work on my mac running lion so I did i format and installed snow leopard again
( i needed to clean up my mac anyway)
Once I had re-installed snow leopard i got jdivelog running then installed
lion & hey presto :)

Thanks to everybody for there patience & help.
