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Never ending Stop at 7m

Posted: Sunday 29. January 2012, 20:48
by Fabrizio Vizzani
OSTC 2798 updated to firmware 2.20.
Hi during last dive (21 minutes between 58 and 50 meters with air,bottom gas, ean 51 and ean 98 ,deco ; Hig GF 83, Low GF 20); my 2N gives a 1 minute stop at 7 meters,and this is strange, but stranger is the fact that "the minute" is during forever, the ostc didn't give the next step in deco (after 1,5 minutes i decided to change gas and to go at 6 meters);after this the, stops at 6 and 3 meters was managed normally by my 2N.
I did the same dive with same parameters using the simulator and the behaviour has been the same : A stop at 7 meters which never end.
Does anyone observed something similar after the update to 2.2 version.



Re: Never ending Stop at 7m

Posted: Sunday 29. January 2012, 21:31
by swissdiving
Hi have a look in this post. You may have something in there.,7600

Re: Never ending Stop at 7m

Posted: Sunday 29. January 2012, 21:55
by Fabrizio Vizzani
Thanks, but the functions CF 56-57-59 -60 are new function (59-60) or related to gas consumption(56-57), after firmware update i've checked the values. Now alla CF has the same value they had before updating (when OSTC behaviour was perfect).

Re: Never ending Stop at 7m

Posted: Monday 30. January 2012, 09:34
by Fabrizio Vizani
Hi, I've discovered a possible cause of problem;I'm not a firmware developer, so this is only an hypothesis:
I had set the ean 98 switch depth to 7 meter (in this way 2n start blinking for a better gas from 7 meters and not from 6 meter where i have to take te ean 98).
In this condition the 2.20 firmware gives a 1 minute stop at 7 meters which never ends (previously the behaviour was different).
Setting ean 98 switch depth to 6 meters ostc act correctly and gives the stop to 6 meters decreasing the time without enter in previously described state .
Maybe i'm wrong, but it seems like the 2n enter in a loop conditions (or in some state which seems a loop).
I hope this can be useful for developers.


Fabrizio Vizzani

Re: Never ending Stop at 7m

Posted: Monday 30. January 2012, 09:49
by Uwe S.

have you Set CF55 bigger than 0??

Regards Uwe

Re: Never ending Stop at 7m

Posted: Monday 30. January 2012, 10:09
by Fabrizio Vizzani
No, i've not my unit here (unluckly my job doesn't require a dive computer), but i'm sure that additional time for gas switch is set to 0 (in the past i did some test,but finally decided to not use this function) .

Thanks Fabrizio

Re: Never ending Stop at 7m

Posted: Monday 30. January 2012, 10:31
by scubatinoo
That's the "problem" we've discovered: regardless what you set in CF55 you'll have a 1 Minute stopp in every gas switch. But only if the gas switch is outside of the known standard stop steps (eg 21/18/15/12/9/6/3m)

Re: Never ending Stop at 7m

Posted: Monday 30. January 2012, 12:37
by Fabrizio Vizzani
Clear, but anyway this minute is not decremented; i don't undestand why i've not faced the same problem at 21 meters switch from air to ean 51.
I think this problem is solved (or work arounded) by setting the gas switch to the deco gas MOD,but the exact behaviour remain a little foggy
