Ostc 3 in Paris

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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by Sipadiver »

I'd also like the flyers of the new models as PDF.
very curious to see them in real life btw
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by heinrichsweikamp »


We'll update the website during/after the "boot" show.

Two images you probably have not yet seen in the div. FB sites or forums:

[img]file.php?2,file=351,filename=Resize_of_ ... stc3_2.jpg[/img]

[img]file.php?2,file=352,filename=Resize_of_ ... _drx_5.jpg[/img]

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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by swissdiving »

I like the way the way the bungies are attached.


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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by tiefunten »

Nice way the attachment of the bungies is done on the OSTC3, yes. But if those are "Press down" buttons, I can't really understand the advantage over the piezo-buttons of the OSTC2n!?
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by swissdiving »

As Matthias said the push buttons allow for a narrower profile of the OSTC3. You may have noticed that the OSTC3 is not as thick.

I am not sure about the push buttons though...
...getting sand stuck in it.


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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by Clownfish »

Found these documents on both the new computers on-line.
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by scubatinoo »

Honestly i don't like the way the bungee is attached, because you need a tool to replace / attache the bungee. At least i can't imagine myself fiddling the bungee trough the small holes... And the edges of this plastic "backplate" look quite sharp. But maybe "in nature" things look quite different... We will see. ;)

> OSTC 2N 3705 & OSTC 2 18807 <
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by Bumlerd »

Dear mr. Scubatinoo

If you dont like the set up with the bungees, then don't buy the OSTC 3.

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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by scubatinoo »

Just spending applause doesn't help to improve a product...

> OSTC 2N 3705 & OSTC 2 18807 <
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by cullrich »


This new OSTC 3 look very nice, is it possible to see a picture of the 3D compass? With the new micro chip is ii possible to implement the VPM algorithm ?

best regards
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by swissdiving »

Ok guys (and gals)
Just been to the Boot in Düsseldorf and had an opportunity to chat with Matthias and look at the prototype of the OSTC3 comparing it to the 2N.
(thanks Matthias, I enjoyed myself very much!).

The profile of the OSTC3 is considerable smaller than the 2N though the LCD display is only fractionally smaller, with the same number of pixels as the 2N, making it a very crisp display.

The edge of the body is slightly raised above the glass of the display which should prevent any mayor scratching of the glass

Here the pics for comparison:



According to Matthias there may still be some really minor changes of the design.

Initially I was concerned that the buttons may get stuck if sand gets into the slits of the housing but ist very tightly machined, so sand should not cause any problems. Also the springs have a sufficient stiffnes. The buttons are a bit close to the bottom of the OSTC3 which may make it a bit more difficulty to reach them with bulky dry Suite gloves and cold fingers. Matthias might make some minor changes to the design there.

A number of the CF's are hard coded. For example for ppO2 there are only choices between 1.2 up to 1.6.
Sorry, I didn't get more details on the hardcoded CF's

The OSTC3 will not replace the 2N according to Matthias. So I am sure we can look forward to a continued development of the CF's with the 2N.

You were asking to see a Picture of the compass (as I did). Today Matthias was not quite finished with implementing the code, so we will have to be Patient. I did ask him though if he could implement two views, a bezel and a degree view.

I hope my comments to the OSTC3 are sufficiently toned down, not to offend any forum participants!

Please correct me if I made any incorrect Statements.


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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by gorcio »

Sounds reassuring that 2N/MkII code will be still getting developed. Looking forward to new stable release.

In my personal opinion - compass is not really a feature I would be looking for, unless purely as a backup to my analog one. Change of sensor - that's something really good, and hopefully, new PIC unit would allow for VPM implementation, by either HW or third party like HHS Software (Multideco)
Kind regards,
Gorcio, OSTC MK2 828
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by wrobell »

Are OSTC 3 and DR X still going to be Open Source dive computers?
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by DiverM »

A digital compass properly implemented is most certainly an asset. I may even considder buying a ostc3 if the compass proves to bee good, and degrade my 2N to backup-computer :P
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by scubatinoo »

I'm looking forward to see a picture of the OSTC 3 in OC-Divemode. From the fist pictures it looks like the display of the OSTC 3 is more sorted then the one from the OSTC 2N...

> OSTC 2N 3705 & OSTC 2 18807 <
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by heinrichsweikamp »


The OSTC3 firmware is still under heavy construction. There won't be a release until it's as stable as the OSCT2 firmware. So, there are going to be quite a lot of changes.

We now have posted some information on the webpage: http://www.heinrichsweikamp.com/#/en/ostc/


P.S.: Something we should add to the webpage (After talking on the "boot" to some OSTC users):
"Basic PC knowledge is required in order to use all OSTC options"
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by heinrichsweikamp »

And more news: A HTML5 back-end for our CMS is in work, too ;)

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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by scubatinoo »

heinrichsweikamp Wrote:
> And more news: A HTML5 back-end for our CMS is in
> work, too ;)

suuuuuuuper! >:D<

> OSTC 2N 3705 & OSTC 2 18807 <
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by swissdiving »

Matthias >:D<


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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by MarkH »

Love the new computer and I am seriously considering to get one.

Still, as it becomes obvious when reading this thread and browsing through this board, a lot of people still want to use VPM as deco model. In my opinion, the bubble models have even increased in popularity since the OSTC 2(n) became available and a lot of users would love to have the option to switch... including me!
(Please no arguing about the best deco model in general. We all know that no model is perfect and we have to go with the one each of us find most convincing)

As far as I remember, in 2010 HW considered implementing VPM for the 2n but ultimately decided against it mainly due to lack of CPU power. With the new CPU of the OSTC 3 will this be reconsidered? I know the DR5 can run VPM but it is definitely overkill for the diving I do.

It would be awesome to get an official statement on this...

Thank you and keep up the great work!
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by Sandro »

Ich wollte mir eigentlich letzte Woche den OSTC 2N kaufen. Momentan stellt sich für mich die Frage, ob ich nicht auf den OSTC3 warten soll. Dafür spricht das etwas schlankere Design, und die neuere Hardware (Schnellere CPU, größerer Speicher usw.). Was mich ein wenig irritiert ist, das er ja anscheinend nicht der Nachfolger ist, sondern das es parralel beide geben wird.
Unterscheiden sich die Geräte von der Software oder wird sogar die selbe Software auf beiden geräte verwendet? Warum wird es den 2N auch weiterhin geben?
Ich kann es für mich noch nicht fest machen wofür ich mich entscheiden soll. Vieleicht könnt Ihr mir da ja mit weiteren Infos weiter helfen.
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by tiefunten »

Hallo Sandro,

der 2N hat im Gegensatz zum OSTC 3 ein OLED Display mit 180° Ablesbarkeit. Auch soll der 3er mehr festgelegte Funktionen haben, die beim 2n noch frei konfigurierbar sind. Die 50€ Aufpreis für den 3er sind dagegen in dieser Preisklasse wohl kaum ein Argument. Ich wüsste derzeit auch nicht, für was ich mich entscheiden würde. Vielleicht wegen der größeren Speichermöglichkeit und dem schlankeren Alu-Gehäuse für den 3er, aber das OLED-Display vom 2n ist einfach Klasse...
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by aj1974 »

2N = Akku, 3er = Batterie.

Ansonsten sieht der neue OSTC toll aus, fühlt sich super an und ist größenmäßig angenehm kompakt (durfte ihn auf der Boot befingern). Ich hab mich dann aber doch zum 2N entschieden, u.a. weil mich das mit der Batterie (60 Stunden Laufzeit) nerven würde. Mit dem üblichen "Rumgespiele" am Tauchcomputer vorm TG und danach (Logbuch schreiben, jedem mal den Tauchverlauf im Display zeigen, Daten auf PC überspielen etc.) dürfte dies dazu führen, dass spätestens nach 40-50 TGs die Batterie leer ist....

Und ja, den 2N soll es auch weiterhin geben.
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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by heinrichsweikamp »

Es gibt in der Bedienung noch einige Unterschiede, so hat der OSTC3 z.B. keine "Custom Functions", sondern ein umfangreicheres Menü.

Eine kleine Baugröße war das Hauptkriterium bei der Entwicklung - der OSTC3 ist flach und für die Displaygröße sehr kompakt.

Die Anleitung wird in wenigen Wochen fertig sein, dann kann man sich in Ruhe ein Bild machen.

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Re: Ostc 3 in Paris

Post by heinrichsweikamp »

MarkH Wrote:
> It would be awesome to get an official statement
> on this...

VPM is currently not planned for the OSTC.

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