OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

OSTC running hwOS4 Firmware
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OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by heinrichsweikamp »


The new hwOS4 firmware V1.0.5 is now available for download: http://www.heinrichsweikamp.com/?id=479&version=de (German) or http://www.heinrichsweikamp.com/?id=479&version=en (English)

Changes since Version 1.0.2:
NEW: Bearing can be set in surface mode
NEW: Personal dive number in logbook list
BUGFIX: Translations in German language
BUGFIX: Logbook graphics
BUGFIX: Button labels
and small fixes and tweaks.

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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by tanomogi »

1.0.5 fixed logbook's temperature legend.
but, weired level of logbooks(atmosphere pressures). 1051mbar(-300m), 1039(-200m), 1015-1021 was 0m

Plus, I wish to see surface time(since last end of dive) in logbooks.

* still not compatible with daily build of Subsurface or OSTC companion/planner also. I used dctools from libdivecomputer.

dctool.exe --family ostc3 --model 0x3B -v fwupdate -f OSTC4update_160519.bin COM**
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by heinrichsweikamp »

The atmosperic pressure calculation is based on the table provided here (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luftdruck).
The actual Subsurface Version 4.5.6 for Windows does support OSTC4 Firmware Updates with the'OSTC 3,Sport,Cr,2' setting. Using Subsurface for OSTC4 updates with other OS (Mac OS X and Linux) is not tested yet.

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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by Mazo »


erst einmal vielen Dank für das rasche und tolle Update, war ich so noch nicht gewohnt, dass soviele Änderungswünsche auch umgesetzt werden. Wirklich Toll

Ich konnte den OSTC4 nun ein paar mal testen und mir ist noch folgendes aufgefallen:

Der Tauchgangsmodus startet erst bei 3-3,5m Tiefe, auch bei sehr langsamen Abstieg. Laut Logbuch springt die Tauchgangsprofillinie dann auch senkrecht auf 3,5m. Hier sollte es die Möglichkeit geben den Tauchgang manuell zu starten oder wie laut Handbuch bei spätestens 1.5m einschalten

Wünschenswert wäre wenn man am Ende des Tauchgangs diesen über das Menü dann auch manuell beenden kann.

Im Logbuch wird nun sehr schön die Höhenmeter neben den mbar angezeigt, hier ist noch ein kleiner Schönheitsfehler, die Klammer Zu am Ende wird in einer zu kleinen Font Size angezeigt.

Wünschenswert wären die Höhenmeter auch im Hauptmenü

Wenn man seine Tauchgangsanzahl verändert (zb. Im Urlaub nur einen kleinen Computer mit gehabt) obwohl schon Logbucheinträge vorhanden sind, nummeriert er diese auch wieder neu durch. Die Tauchgangsnummer sollte meiner Meinung nach gebunden sein, da sonst mit dem Papierlogbuch nichts mehr zusammen stimmt.

Wünschenswert wäre eine Anzeige der Dekostufen im Logbuch.

Toller Computer und tolle Arbeit!

Grüße Mazo
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by dnaandy »


No software for Mac to update?

Anyone can tell me what can I do???
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by Mazo »

Guten Morgen,

gestern beim Nachttauchgang sind mir folgende zwei Dinge aufgefallen.

Sicherheitsstop: Ich habe diesen auf 3 Minuten in 5m eingestellt - dort beginnt dieser auch zu zählen, jedoch bleibt der Timer für den Sicherheitsstop bei 5,1m Tiefe stehen und zählt erst weiter wenn man auf 5,0m oder höher ist. Hier würde ein Puffer von +/- 1m wahrscheinlich ausreichen

Tauchgangszeit: Sobald man mit dem Computer auftaucht, bleibt die Tauchgangszeit stehen und rechts oben zählt ein 5 Minuten Timer runter. Erst einmal gut, dass die Tauchgangszeit stehen bleibt und die 5 Minuten an der Oberfläche nicht zum Tauchgang gezählt werden - jedoch läuft die grafische Tauchgangsprofilaufzeichnung weiter. Nach Ende des Tauchgangs wird die vorher gestoppte Tauchzeit jedoch im Logbuch auf das gesamte Tauchgangsprofil aufgeteilt. Somit ist die Skala für die Zeit verschoben, da zb. 26 Minuten Tauchzeit auf eine 31 Minuten Aufzeichnung aufgeteilt werden. Hier sollten die 5 Minuten in der Darstellung abgeschnitten werden.

Grüße Mazo
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by tanomogi »

Weired "No fly" and "Desat" time.
Check it attached photos.

after 2day 4dive(avg 13-15meter, 35-45minute, no deco dive)
with Mares Matrix(1.3.10) and OSTC4(1.0.5) /w VPM +2

Surf = 2h53m(OSTC4), 3h03m(Matrix)
Desaturation = 16h29m(OSTC4), 8h41m(Matrix)
No Flight = 1h50m(OSTC4), 20h56m(Matrix)

Why 'desat' larger than 'nofly'? its really confused. and it it safe and really well calculates tissue loads??? check algorithms again, or please open OSTC4 code to public.
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by heinrichsweikamp »

tanomogi Wrote:
> Weired "No fly" and "Desat" time.

NoFly Time (Bringing yourself to a lower ambient pressure after diving) is always smaller then Desat (Time for a full desaturation).

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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by tanomogi »

heinrichsweikamp Wrote:
> NoFly Time (Bringing yourself to a lower ambient pressure after diving) is always smaller then Desat (Time for a full desaturation).

Its really weired. So you meaning I board after 2h00 will be safe?(I AM NOT DESATURATED!!!) whats the exact meaning about 'noFly'?

I think, all of other dive computers shows 'full desaturation countdown > no flight countdown'. Please look at my MARES Matrix!
Most of dive computers(SUUNTO, MARES, SCUBAPRO, SHEARWATER, OCEANIC, LIQUIVISION, ...) 'noFly' = full desat + their safe margins. or around 24hrs after several repetitive dives.
DESAT cleared, after then NOFLY will be cleared.

Please tell me OSTC4's 'noFly' formula or where is the medical proves about 'flight available when you not in full desaturation status, marginal desat value is...'?

*BTW, VPM +2 desat was almost doubles Winkie's RGBM. If I change algorithms to GF in surface mode, desat/nofly countdown will be affected also or not?

Also. Small problem I found in v1.0.5
#1: cannot load dives with Subsurface 4.5.6(evenif 4.5.2 daily builds) and DCTOOL(0.5.0) format changed??? <- OSTC Companion 3.0 b1 connection was fine.

#2: Temperature scale still has bugs
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by heinrichsweikamp »

Desaturation code is identical to deco_calc_desaturation_time() in hwOS (p2_deco.c can be found on bitbucket).
At the moment NoFly time is based on 60% of the desaturation time calculated immediately after the dive. In the next update additionally the lower limit will be 24hours after the last dive.

Your OSTC Companion debug info shows that the OSTC4 does not send the entire computer header block of 256*16 bytes. I will check this behaviour as I was able to download dives here. The OSTC Companion 3 release with OSTC4 support is the first sneak-preview beta release with support for the hwOS4. We will work on it.

Temperature scale is an issue still - true. We will take care of it. Thanks for the pictures with detailed information.
You might compare our VPM with V-Planner and other deco algorithms. I can't say anything about RGBM.

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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by heinrichsweikamp »

Just want to let you know that Subsurface 4.5.6 and DivingLog 6.0.5 works properly and downloading of logs is fine here using Win7 (64bit).

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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by tanomogi »

Hi, Christian. very appreciate for comments and advices.

[s]Still can't download log after v1.0.5 upgrade /w changed custom text.
I used Subsurface 4.5.6 release /w Win7 x64 and 4.5.6 release and also tried daily builds(Subsurface-4.5.6-13-g69b922808194.dmg) of MAC version and DCTOOL too.
- Would you check download log test again, after set custom text?[/s]
casual error caused by my PC problem.

* Subsurface import log time/date problem.(Win/MAC, OSTC4 v1.02 ~ 1.05)
- Subsurface doesn't show actual Date/Time field. It subtracts duration.
E.G) 08H45 dive starts with duration 59min, subsurface date field showed 07H46(08:45 - 00:59).
--> Need to report Subsurface or Libdivecomputer team I think.

* I reviewed deco_calc_percentage() and ghostwriter.asm(calculate_noflytime2), isr.asm can I ask where can I get OSTC4 CPU OPCODES & MEMORY ADDRESS MAP for references?

* Feature request for next version:
1) How about showing/warning char_O_tissue_N2_saturation[0~15] >= M value(maybe 255 in codes?) change color or blink reached compartment line.
2) In saturation graph, How about showing 'Inert gas pressure', 'Ambient pressure', 'M value pressure' mark or different coloring backgrounds(I can't well understood code now. but I think vertical line in tissue graph marks 'inert gas pressure' only with no scaling)
3) showing current depth of GF(or margin of current depth max alloable saturation in % reaching to GF100)[ But I have no idea to choose 'which is leading tissue of 1/16 tissues?' for calculating current GF ]
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by TnT »

tanomogi Wrote:
> * Subsurface import log time/date problem.(Win/MAC, OSTC4 v1.02 ~ 1.05)
> - Subsurface doesn't show actual Date/Time field.
> It subtracts duration.
> E.G) 08H45 dive starts with duration59min,
> subsurface date field showed 07H46(08:45 - 00:59).
> --> Need to report Subsurface or > Libdivecomputer team I think.

If you send me the raw dive data from your OSTC4, then I'll have a look. Download the dctool command-line application, and run it with these options:

dctool -v -l dctool.log -f ostc3 download -f raw -o dive.%n.bin

Replace with the correct serialport. When done, send me back the dctool.log file, together with all the dive.*.bin files.

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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by tanomogi »

Hi, Jef

[s]I tried to download, but it failed again.(your method also failed)
dctool.exe --family ostc3 --model 0x3B --verbose --logfile dctool.log download --output dctool.xml --units metric COM20

DATETIME 2016-06-21T21:24:06Z (1466544246)
VERSION 0.5.0-devel (47037286a24eb6db2ae9e08eda0a3396754a4124)
Opening the device (Heinrichs Weikamp OSTC 4, COM20).
INFO: Open: name=COM20
INFO: Configure: baudrate=115200, databits=8, parity=0, stopbits=0, flowcontrol=0
INFO: Timeout: value=3000
INFO: Sleep: value=300
INFO: Purge: direction=3
Registering the event handler.
Registering the cancellation handler.
Downloading the dives.
Event: progress 0.00% (0/4194304)
INFO: Write: size=1, data=BB
INFO: Read: size=1, data=BB
INFO: Read: size=1, data=4D
INFO: Write: size=1, data=6A
INFO: Read: size=1, data=6A
INFO: Read: size=1, data=3B
INFO: Read: size=1, data=4D
INFO: Write: size=1, data=69
INFO: Read: size=1, data=69
INFO: Read: size=64, data=33000E085441452D484F4F4E2C4B494D20205444492336383134363944414E234E2D3034313538342020204B5230343132363036000000000000000000000000
INFO: Read: size=1, data=4D
Event: model=59 (0x0000003b), firmware=3592 (0x00000e08), serial=51 (0x00000033)
INFO: Write: size=1, data=6D
INFO: Read: size=1, data=6D
ERROR: Failed to receive the answer. [in ../../source/src/hw_ostc3.c:268 (hw_ostc3_transfer)]
ERROR: Failed to read the header. [in ../../source/src/hw_ostc3.c:630 (hw_ostc3_device_foreach)]
ERROR: Error downloading the dives. [in ../../source/examples/dctool_download.c:218 (download)]
INFO: Write: size=1, data=FF
INFO: Read: size=1, data=FF
ERROR: Timeout[/s]

DCTOOL mac/win both of them error occured xml output or dump commands.
I posted my memory dump in raw /w v1.0.7 thread dump
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by TnT »

tanomogi Wrote:
> dctool --family ostc3 --model 0x3B --verbose --logfile dctool.log download --output dctool.raw --format RAW /dev/tty.OSTC4-00051-SPP

Can you retry again after changing "dctool.raw" to "dctool.%n.raw"? Without that placeholder, all dives got written to the same file, overwriting the previous dive every time. So your zip file only contains one dive out of the 19 that got downloaded.
libdivecomputer developer
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by tanomogi »

Hi, Jef

I tried again. and uploaded.
./dctool --family ostc3 --model 0x3B --verbose --logfile dctool.log download --output dctool.%n.raw --format RAW /dev/tty.OSTC4-00051-SPP

please check again(OSTC4 dive #001 started 08H45)
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by heinrichsweikamp »


the log date/time problem is fixed in hwOS4 firmware V1.0.8 release. This release is available now.
It also addresses the deco/NDL issue in the logbook for futher logs.

with kind regards,
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by TnT »

@tanomogi: Can you download the raw dives again, after you have upgraded to the new firmware? Just to confirm everything is working now.
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by tanomogi »

Appreciate both @TnT, @Christian

After I upgraded 1.0.8 then I re-import logs, dive-in time same as my Mares Matrix.
But, Still has last dive's temp legend on the device still not functional(dctool.0001.20160529T113100.raw, dctool.0014.20160510T095800.raw, dctool.0016.20160509T181900.raw)
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by Nachttaucher »

Hallo Leute,

nach dem Update meines OSTC 4 auf hwOS V 1.0.10 bin ich aus Zufall auf ein verstecktes Menü gestoßen.

Das Menü hat die Bezeichnung "Bonex Setup" - siehe Bilder im Anhang.

Könntet Ihr die Menüeinträge im kommenden Firmwareuptate ebenfalls in die deutsche Sprache übersetzen. Schön währe es auch, dass Menü nicht mehr zu verstekcne.

Drag Heavy Tech ???
Load Towing ???
Accu 0760 ???


Wozu dienen die neuen Funktionen und warum wurden sie versteckt ???
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by Longli »

Wie der Name assoziiert, wird man wohl einen Bonex Scooter über den Nassstecker verbinden können, um die Infos anzuzeigen.
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Re: OSTC 4: New Firmware V1.0.5

Post by heinrichsweikamp »

Sie sind "versteckt" weil noch in der Beta-Phase. Und ja, das sind Einstellungen für das B.I.S.

Wird später ganz offiziell einstellbar sein und auch beschrieben.

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