hwOS Tech: 2.18beta released

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hwOS Tech: 2.18beta released

Post by heinrichsweikamp »


Attached to this post is the 2.18beta for all hwOS2 devices. It has several new features and some bugfixes compared to the 2.15:

NEW: Third and fourth logbook page per dive showing Gaslist and Setpoints in standard font size
BUGFIX: several minor graphic issues in logbook fixed
BUGFIX: Rare button issues in OSTC Plus hardware
BUGFIX: Compass sensitivity for newer models
BUGFIX: PSCR mode showed bailout gaslist instead of diluent gaslist
BUGFIX: PSCR mode "Better Gas" showed bailout gases instead of diluents
NEW: More customviews in surface mode for PSCR mode
NEW: Last Dive customviews in surface mode with divetime, depth and interval
BUGFIX: Reset to MOD in Diluent Menu did reset Setpoint change depth
NEW: Two ppO2 max settings. One for travel/bottom and one for deco gases

We appreciate some feedback here since I'd like to publish the new stable soon. It's been 2 months since the last stable already ;)

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Re: hwOS Tech: 2.18beta released

Post by Clownfish »

Upgrade went well, all looks good, although I would have liked ability to set a higher ppO2 for deco. Will test early next week.
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hwOS Tech: 2.18beta released

Post by Ralph »

Hi all,

here's my follow-up to the bug report on V2.15 (see Bugreport V2.15) and it's relation to 2.18beta:

1) 'reset to mod' in CC-mode DIL-gas editing: fixed

2) dive time setup in the Simulator is only used by the deco Calculator, but not in the Simulation: as per design, verified in the code as being the intended behaviour.

3) Deco Calculator uses only the 1st diluent, whereby this will typically be your low oxy dil for surface prebreathing and initial descent only and not your bottom diluent: as per design, the use of DIL 1 is hardcoded in hwos.

-> first item on my whish list: make it adjustable (in the sub-menu Settings there is enough space) or at least re-code it to dil 5 if there's general agreement that dil 5 is the typical place to put the bottom ppO2 in.

4) compass issue: not worked on from my side so far...

5) Lost gas handling: fixed for taking the gases from the correct list now. Visual indication issue remains on my whish-list.

6) deco calculation results and bail-out gas list: I made an intensive code review and did not find any evidence of weak code in deco calculation regarding usage of wrong gases (i.e. mixing up with DIL and OC gases). BUT I managed to deduce a procedure to show the bug in the gas names of the Bailout gas volumes display! Actually it's quite simple: goto Menue -> CCR Setup -> Diluent Setup -> Exit again -> Exit once more -> Simulator -> Calculate Deco -> 2x right button: gas names are from DIL gases! Details on how to fix the code will be sent by PM to Matthias.

best regards,
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Re: hwOS Tech: 2.18beta released

Post by stryke »


I have not found on the forum,

Which model to choose in OSTC Companion to do the firmware update on the OSTC 2 Tech Edition?

best regards
gordon mackie
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Re: hwOS Tech: 2.18beta released

Post by gordon mackie »

loaded nicely and looks good - thanks again
46 years diving! Must be Doing It Right :-)
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Re: hwOS Tech: 2.18beta released

Post by Kehrmaschine »


Eine generelle Frage - bin neu hier und habe meinen HW OSTC Plus in der Tech version gerade vor 2 Wochen bekommen:
- da der Plus Tech nicht beim OSTC Companion zu finden ist, welches Modell muss man aussuchen wenn man FW Update machen möchte?
- Warum funktioniert die paarung mit Mac Os nicht richtig - wenn ich mein OSTC mit Mac verbinden möchte, muss ich mein OSTC jedes mal von der Liste am Mac löschen und neu paaren?

Danke in voraus für eure Antworten und LG
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Re: hwOS Tech: 2.18beta released

Post by heinrichsweikamp »

Der OSTC Plus ist in der aktuellen Version als OSTC 3+ gelistet.
Beim Mac findet eine Verbindung nach der ersten Paarung automatisch statt. Ein ist nicht notwendig und sinnvoll die Geräte neu zu paaren.

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Re: hwOS Tech: 2.18beta released

Post by stryke »

heinrichsweikamp Wrote:
> NEW: Last Dive customviews in surface mode with
> divetime, depth and interval


Would it be possible to have the decostops (depth and duration) ?

best regards
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Re: hwOS Tech: 2.18beta released

Post by Ralph »

Hi stryke,

from the code point of view, that's not possible: during the ascent, the deco plan is constantly re-computed, and when you surface it's gone. So there isn't any 'the deco plan' that could be stored and displayed after the dive. Perherps you just have a look at the dive's plot in the logbook - if you dive the stops properly you should be able to see them there or at least when you download the dive to a PC and open it with some logbook software.

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Re: hwOS Tech: 2.18beta released

Post by heinrichsweikamp »

In France it's very common to tell the dive instructor your "paramètres" right after the dive. You're still on ladder of the boat and you usually have to tell your depths, time and "paliers" (Deco steps).

BUT: They don't want to hear the truth like 1min@18m, 3@15, 5@12, 8@9, 5@6 and 15@3 because there isn't enough room on the sheet for a GF-type deco plan ;)

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Re: hwOS Tech: 2.18beta released

Post by heinrichsweikamp »

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