New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

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New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by heinrichsweikamp »


Today, we released the 2.20 stable for the Mk.2/2N!

Updating is very easy if you have 1.90 or later (e.g. all 2N users!) and using Windows.
1. Get new bootloader v2:
2. Follow the step-by-step instructions: ... _firmware/

What's new:
- a lot of small bugfixes and improvements
- quicker screen refresh and calculations (e.g. in the Deco Planer)
- new features like the Cave divers consomation display and alarm (CF59)

Important: This update does not reset your CF values. When updating from 2.01 you'll need to reset CF56,57,59 and CF60 manually. The OSTC will display a permanent warning for all CF that should be checked by the user (Until they are checked). For those not messing around with the CF settings: Menu -> Reset Menu -> Reset all will reset all CF to the default values.

The update is recommended for all users. Please also ask your buddies to update - Or to get an OSTC if they don't have one already ;)


Heute haben wir die Version 2.20stable für den OSTC Mk.2/2N veröffentlicht!

Das Updaten auf die neue Version ist sehr einfach, wenn bereits 1.90 oder später installiert ist (z.B. für alle OSTC 2N Benutzer) und Windows verwendet wird.

1. Neuen bootloader v2 herunterladen:
2. Die einfache Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung befolgen: ... _firmware/

Was ist Neu:
- viele kleine Verbesserungen und Bugfixes
- schnellerer Bildaufbau und schnellere Berechnungen (z.B. im Decoplaner)
- Neue Funktionen wie das Berechnen des Bailouts für Höhlentauchtänge (CF59)

Wichtig: Dieses Update setzt Eure CF-Werte nicht automatisch zurück (Dies auf vielfachen Wunsch der Nutzer dieses Forums). Wer also von 2.01 auf die 2.20 aktualisiert muss die CF56,57,59 und CF60 manuell zurücksetzen. Der OSTC zeigt daher nach dem Update eine Warnung für diese CF an, solange sie noch nicht zurückgesetzt wurden. Wer an den CF nichts verstellt hat oder möchte: Menu -> Reset Menu -> Reset all setzt alle CF auf die Grundwerte zurück.

Das Update wird allen Nutzern empfohlen. Bittet auch Eure Tauchpartner ihre OSTC zu aktualisieren - sofern sie einen OSTC haben ;)

Viele Grüße/Best Regards,
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by swissdiving »

Update durchgeführt inklusive CF Reset. Lief wie ein Traum durch.
Am Wochenende wird der 2N mit V2.20 nass

Update including reset done. Worked like a charm.
Diving on the weekend on V2.20


--> 2N ¦ 2201 / 3892
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by scubatinoo »

Thanks to HW for the update!

Did it on a Mac, using JDiveLog - and it worked very well and without any problems. Will test it next weekend... ;)

> OSTC 2N 3705 & OSTC 2 18807 <
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by Gaspard »

Hi Everybody,

I update my OSTC 2N with 2.20 firmware version,...and I have an issue !
I have a red indication on the up right corner of the screen CF56! alternating with CF57!.

Have a view on the CF list, and see :

CF 56 = 200 (default value)
CF 57 = 200 (default value)

No need to dive immediately, but would like to close this issue quickly.

Thanks for your help.



Found = issue close

It seems that default setting of Customs function are wrong indicated on the soft.
CF56 indicated at 200 is in fact 20 (0 = Deactivated gives error too)
CF57 indicated at 200 is in fact 20

Have find other wrong info :
CF6 indicates 136 as default is in fact 1250
CF7 indicates 56 as default is in fact 1100

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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by tiefunten »

Default value has to be 20 there, not 200. It was possible to enter decimals there in former versions, now it can only be set to full liters. Change it to what you need and the red warning will be gone.
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by heinrichsweikamp »


See above: Menu -> Reset Menu -> Reset all will fix this.

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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by Gaspard »

Thank you ;)
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by PeterK »

Jepp, worked for me with no problems. It'll get wet by tomorrow. But the weather looks aweful, brrr.


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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by MPereira »

Hello, I did the 2.20 update, I did my dive plan that will be tomorrow: Air and nitrox 80 for a 51m dive 31 minutes. The dive plan is shown the correct value (CNS) that has an incorrect value the red: CNS> 250%.
At 2.10 the CNS 21%.
At 2.01 the CNS 19%, for me these are the correct values ??for this plan.
I think we have to review this error CNS.

Until the next dive.
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by Det »

Update mit JDivlog unter MacOSX durchgführt - easy.

CF 56 und 57 eingestellt.

Datum und Uhrzeit eingestellt - war schon im Jahr 2016 unterwegs ;-)

Erster Test: Superschnell! Insbesondere Logbuchaufrufe sind deutlich schneller geworden.

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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by scubatinoo »

Did 2 dives, nothing special. OSTC with V2.20 works stable, no problems so far. Logbook-Speed is really improved :)

> OSTC 2N 3705 & OSTC 2 18807 <
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by swissdiving »

Did 3 dives.
- Menu reaction time considerably improved.
- Graphical velocity display is a nice improvement. Its easier to keep an eye on the ascent rate that way. And if you want more precision there is still the numeric display of the ascent speed.

The OSTC tends to give me 1 min more deco than the Aladin Air. Not complaining about that though.


--> 2N ¦ 2201 / 3892
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by lmorais »


I did 1 dive last week without any issues. All values are correct.

In simulator i notice the same bug reported by MPereira.
Deco calculator shows cns value 250% for 51m / 21´ with air and nitrox 80. The same dive values, but nitrox reduced to 50, cns apparentely shows a correct value.

I'll downgrade this version to compare the results.


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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by Jean-François »

I did a dive earlier today and I had some weird deco from time to time.

It would display a deco stop at 11m..... It did so quite a few times and very early in the dive. I looked over my buddy's OSTC (v2.0) and it showed 9m 1' while I did not have that minute at 9m but at 11m. So quickly I looked at DecoPlan and it showed 3m X', 6m Y' and 11m 1', nothing at 9 meters. Later on during the dive it would display that 11m 1' again (I think it did it 4 times during the dive) and each time no minutes at 9m.

It's worth to note that I was supposed to change gas at 11m to take my EAN76 so maybe there is a correlation.

Dive parameters :
Max Depth : 53.27m
Total duration : 56:30
Gas : 1 Air
2 EAN76 (change at 11m)
Algorithm : ZH-L16 OC CF11 110% CF12 90%
CF29 3m
CF55 0

And here's a picture of the logbook :
[IMG] ... ive228.jpg[/IMG]
OSTC Mk2N 2287
Anonymous User

Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by Anonymous User »

I did a dive on sunday:
- 64m / 56'
- Air + Deco Nx 78, change: 10m / default: 10m

I had 1' at 10m, so i think it's just like you with Nx 76...

But is it normal? Shouldn't we have only ..m/12m/9m/6m/3m ?
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by scubatinoo »

what did you guys set in CF55: Gas switch[min]?

> OSTC 2N 3705 & OSTC 2 18807 <
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by Rob »


is there a change in reading the profile data from version 2.20?
Im recieving only 7 bytes ( AA AA AA AA AA 55 00 hex).
After the tranmission stops the OSTC is still in sending mode, at least on the display.
- long pause -

Anyone else with the same problem?



hat sich in der neuesten Version 2.20 etwas beim Auslesen der Profildaten geändert?
Ich erhalte nur noch 7 Bytes ( AA AA AA AA AA 55 00 hex).
Wenn die Übertragung aufhört ist der OSTC immer noch im senden zumindest laut Displayanzeige.

- lange Pause -

Hat noch jemand das Problem?

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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by Bardass »

Jean-François Wrote:
> I did a dive earlier today and I had some weird
> deco from time to time.
> It would display a deco stop at 11m..... It did so
> quite a few times and very early in the dive. I
> looked over my buddy's OSTC (v2.0) and it showed
> 9m 1' while I did not have that minute at 9m but
> at 11m. So quickly I looked at DecoPlan and it
> showed 3m X', 6m Y' and 11m 1', nothing at 9
> meters. Later on during the dive it would display
> that 11m 1' again (I think it did it 4 times
> during the dive) and each time no minutes at 9m.
> It's worth to note that I was supposed to change
> gas at 11m to take my EAN76 so maybe there is a
> correlation.
> Dive parameters :
> Max Depth : 53.27m
> Total duration : 56:30
> Gas : 1 Air
> 2 EAN76 (change at 11m)
> Algorithm : ZH-L16 OC CF11 110% CF12 90%
> CF29 3m
> CF55 0
> And here's a picture of the logbook :
> CDive228.jpg

bonjour Jean François

bien sûr qu'il y a corrélation entre le palier à 11m et le paramétrage de ton mélange de déco.

ton plan de déco est normal :
l'arrêt à 11m correspond au changement de mélange, qui est de 1 minute au minimum quelle que soit la valeur du paramètre CF55.
le palier à 11m devait s'afficher en jaune, ce qui indique un changement de mélange
tu n'avais aucun palier à faire à 9m
tu ne peux pas comparer avec la version 2.0 qui n'était pas stable et pour laquelle une version 2.01 corrective a été livrée dans les heures qui ont suivi.


Of course there is a correlation between your stop at 11m and the setup of your deco mix.

Your deco plan is ok :
stop at 11m is the change of gaz, which is at least 1 minute regardless of the value of CF55.
i think that this stop was displayed in yellow, indicating a change of gaz
you don't have to do at any stop at 9m
you can not compare with the version 2.0 that is not stable and for which a corrective version 2.01 has been delivered in the hours that followed.

Par exemple : plongée 54m, 11mn fond avec les mêmes gaz que les tiens
CF55 = 0, Patm = 977mbar

11:02 54.0m Deco: ppO2=1.34
11 m : 1 ' 16 ' (GAS SWITCH)
6 m : 2 ' 19 '
3 m : 4 ' 23 '
0 m : --- ' 24 '
TTS = 14 '

Même profondeur avec un temps fond de 15mn

15:02 54.0m Deco: ppO2=1.34
11 m : 1 ' 20 ' (GAS SWITCH)
9 m : 1 ' 22 '
6 m : 3 ' 25 '
3 m : 7 ' 32 '
0 m : --- ' 33 '
TTS = 19 '
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by scubatinoo »

Anyway, IMHO the gas switch is calculated somehow wrong. For example: Set a switch at 4m with O2. Then the profile will tell you: you reach the stop, you switch the gas immediately and then you stay 1 Minute @4m with the gas. But that's wrong. The Delay should supposed to be before the gas switch. Means: you reach the stop, it takes one Minute to switch the gas - but your still breathing the bottom gas - and when the switch is done, you leave for the next stopp.

According to the way how it is at the moment you'll breath your deco-gase one minute earlier then in reality...


Hint: Don't look at the times and depths. The example doesn't make sense. It's just to show the stop procedures.

> OSTC 2N 3705 & OSTC 2 18807 <
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by Jean-François »

> bonjour Jean François
> bien sûr qu'il y a corrélation entre le palier
> à 11m et le paramétrage de ton mélange de
> déco.
> ton plan de déco est normal :
> l'arrêt à 11m correspond au changement de
> mélange, qui est de 1 minute au minimum quelle
> que soit la valeur du paramètre CF55.
> le palier à 11m devait s'afficher en jaune, ce
> qui indique un changement de mélange
> tu n'avais aucun palier à faire à 9m
> tu ne peux pas comparer avec la version 2.0 qui
> n'était pas stable et pour laquelle une version
> 2.01 corrective a été livrée dans les heures
> qui ont suivi.

Merci pour la réponse. Effectivement, dans le Decoplan le palier de 11m était en jaune. Ce qui m'a surpris, c'était de voir, sur l'écran principal 11m 1'. Je ne m'y attendais pas du tout et je dois avouer avoir été extrêmement surpris. Surtout que nous avons plongé un profil connu.

De plus l'indication apparaissait pendant 1 minutes pour ensuite s'effacer et laisser la place à la "vraie" indication de mes paliers. Pour après quelques minutes revenir à 11m 1' pour ensuite disparaître etc. On le voit d'ailleurs très bien sur la photo que cette minute à 11 mètres revient souvent. C'est très troublant et je n'avais jamais eu ça avec la version 2.01.

Au fait je demander à mon binôme quelle version il avait et je m'étais trompé, il avait bien la 2.01.

Thanks for your answer. Indeed in the decoplan menu, the 11m stop was displayed in yellow color. What surprised me was to see it on the dive mask. I wasn't expecting it at all and I must admit to have been extremely surprised. More so that we dove a known profile.

Moreover that particular stop (11m 1') would appear for 1-2 minutes then disappear to show the "true" deco info. After a few minutes the 11m 1' would appear again and then disappear again etc. You can see it clearly on the pictures that this 11m 1' comes quite often. It's very troubling and I don't remember having that with V2.01

By the way, I asked my buddy what version he was diving with and I was wrong, he had V2.01
OSTC Mk2N 2287
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by tiefunten »

Seems there is still that bug displaying the ceiling... I think that somehow interferes with this gas switch/deco stop.
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by reivilos »

MPereira Wrote:
> Hello, I did the 2.20 update, I did my dive plan
> that will be tomorrow: Air and nitrox 80 for a 51m
> dive 31 minutes. The dive plan is shown the
> correct value (CNS) that has an incorrect value
> the red: CNS> 250%.

I have found something very similar ... I had CF54 ON, it seems that when I put CF54 OFF, I don't have the problem ...
OSTC 2N #3059
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by Bardass »

yes I confirm

buhlmann CF11 = 110, CF12 = 90, CF55 = 0, air + nitrox 80, 51m, 31'

with CF54 = NO
31:04 51.0m Deco:
15 m : 2 ' 37 '
12 m : 6 ' 43 '
10 m : 1 ' 44 ' (GAS SWITCH)
9 m : 5 ' 49 '
6 m : 10 ' 60 '
3 m : 16 ' 76 '
0 m : --- ' 77 '
TTS = 46 '
CNS = 38%

with CF54 = YES
31:04 51.0m Deco:
3 m : 16 ' 52 '
6 m : 10 ' 62 '
9 m : 5 ' 66 '
10 m : 1 ' 67 ' (GAS SWITCH)
12 m : 6 ' 73 '
15 m : 2 ' 75 '
0 m : --- ' 77 '
TTS = 46 '
CNS = 179%

same dive with GF 30/80

with CF54 = NO
31:04 51.0m Deco:
27 m : 1 ' 34 '
24 m : 2 ' 37 '
21 m : 3 ' 40 '
18 m : 3 ' 43 '
15 m : 7 ' 51 '
12 m : 8 ' 59 '
10 m : 1 ' 60 ' (GAS SWITCH)
9 m : 6 ' 66 '
6 m : 9 ' 76 '
3 m : 18 ' 94 '
0 m : --- ' 95 '
TTS = 64 '
CNS = 42%

with CF54 = YES
31:04 51.0m Deco:
3 m : 18 ' 54 '
6 m : 9 ' 63 '
9 m : 6 ' 68 '
10 m : 1 ' 69 ' (GAS SWITCH)
12 m : 8 ' 77 '
15 m : 7 ' 84 '
18 m : 3 ' 86 '
21 m : 3 ' 89 '
24 m : 2 ' 91 '
27 m : 1 ' 91 '
0 m : --- ' 95 '
TTS = 64 '
CNS = 255%
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by scubatinoo »

I confirm too. Even in OSTC-Planner (who uses the same program code) the effect appears. Just turn off CF54 and everything is fine...

Anyway - i don't know why or who asked for this CF?!? There's not even one decoplanning software which shows the runtime-table upside-down...??? So in my humble opinion this CF is useless and should be inactivated or deleted!

> OSTC 2N 3705 & OSTC 2 18807 <
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Re: New Firmware 2.2 stable available for the OSTC 2N/Mk.2

Post by reivilos »

scubatinoo wrote:

> Anyway - i don't know why or who asked for this
> CF?!? There's not even one decoplanning software
> which shows the runtime-table upside-down...??? So
> in my humble opinion this CF is useless and should
> be inactivated or deleted!

Well the magic of OSTC is that it can be tailored to your way of diving ! Personally I use CF54 ON because most of my deco time is spent at the last 4-5 stops. All the deeper ones are 1 minute stops ... So when planning, I like to see those 4-5 last stops first.

Removing a CF is like removing someone's choice, so unless the feature has been superseded by a superior design, removing it would be felt as a regression by some. YMMV.

Dive safe.
OSTC 2N #3059
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