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OSTC 2n button issue

Posted: Tuesday 10. September 2013, 18:10
by Vincent Kessler
Hi fellow OSTC divers,

my OSTC2n is now nearly 2 years old and has served on 36 dives within that time.
On the last two dives i was nearly unable to switch my gas at 21m because the right
button didn't react while the left one was ok. After hammering that right button a
minute long it finally worked on both dives.

After the first failed dive i updated firmware from 2.50 to 2.70 without seeing a
difference which should rule out any software related issues.
To rule out temperature issues i put the OSTC in the cooler to get it down to 4°C
but was not able to reproduce the issue by doing that.
So i assume this is a pressure related issue.

Did anyone besides me ever encounter that problem?

Dive profile was 56m with approx 20 minutes bottom time each. (4°C at bottom, 18°C at surface)



Re: OSTC 2n button issue

Posted: Tuesday 10. September 2013, 18:11
by Vincent Kessler
I should add that the next gas switch at a depth of 6m was flawless on both dives. My feeling is that the button was usable again shortly after ascending some more after the 21m gas switch.