simulator depth + and -

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simulator depth + and -

Post by edhowarth »

It's no big deal, but I find it wrong that to increase the depth on the simulator, I press -1m, and to decrease the depth I press +1m. I'm sure it wasn't this way around on my old Mk2. I can appreciate why it's this way round, but it still doesn't seem right (:P)
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Re: simulator depth + and -

Post by Arno »

Surface = 0m
1 meter depth = -1m
2 meter depth = -2m
and so on...
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Re: simulator depth + and -

Post by Ralph »

Well, the depth shown on the display will stay without a leading minus sign. I agree that "-1" can be understood as "decrease depth" i.e going up, as well as (putting emphasis on the minus sign) going down. In the next firmware version, there will be a up and a down arrow instead of +/-1m. Hopefully everyone will then agree that an arrow pointing down means going deeper und vice versa... :-)

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Re: simulator depth + and -

Post by edhowarth »

Perfect solution. Thanks Ralph.
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Joined: Thursday 13. August 2015, 19:24

Re: simulator depth + and -

Post by Motardplongeur »

"Hopefully everyone will then agree that an arrow pointing down means going deeper und vice versa... :-) "

Even for persons from other hemisphere ? ::o:D(:P)
Les pieds dans l'eau, la tête dans les étoiles, le reste sur terre !

OSTC #12002 & #11150
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