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Reset to MOD on gas setting not preserved, possible firmware bug

Posted: Thursday 7. February 2019, 13:56
by jlm
I think I found a firmware bug (HWos tech). Navigate to Diluent Setup. I have 1 enabled diluent setup with gas 10/70 and try to set the depth of that gas to 99m. I do this not by using the depth +/- menu items, but with the Reset to MOD menu option. So far so good.

Now navigate out of the menu with multiple backs, up to the home screen. Scroll to the CC diluents page, and see that the MOD is reset to 56m.

Now go to the Diluent Setup again and check it there: also 56m, edit the gas depth now using the depth +/- menu items to 99m, and see that the MOD now is preserved.

Interestingly, I could not reproduce this using the same workflow for a normal 100% gas in the OC gas list.

Oh, the DC is in fixed setpoint CCR mode.


Re: Reset to MOD on gas setting not preserved, possible firmware bug

Posted: Thursday 7. February 2019, 14:06
by Ralph
Hi Jan,

thanks for reporting this observation, i'll have a look on it!


Re: Reset to MOD on gas setting not preserved, possible firmware bug

Posted: Thursday 7. February 2019, 18:20
by Ralph
Hi again,

that was a tricky one, which had a relation with MOD maximum of 99m:

With a 10/70 the MOD is deeper than 99 meters, but the output routine wouldn't print numbers bigger than 99 so it showed the 99. Internally, the correct MOD depth was written to the change depth setting - until you returned to surface mode, i.e. exited the menu: Upon returning to surface mode, all settings are checked against their allowed min/max values. Change depths were limited to 99 meters, the previously written value was > 99 and so it was reset to the air default of 56 meters... I've fixed the output routine and adopted the max limit, will be available in the next firmware version then.


Re: Reset to MOD on gas setting not preserved, possible firmware bug

Posted: Thursday 7. February 2019, 18:31
by jlm
Hi Ralph,

indeed a tricky one, and nice that you found the code path that exposed this behavior. Somehow, I had a feeling that it was related to the 99m MOD case, so that is why I tried to reproduce it on a shallow gas (and failed), and that is also why I wrote down as much as possible relevant details in my first post.
