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by swissdiving
Thursday 3. October 2024, 06:09
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: OSTC4 not calculating Deco correctly. Possible Bug?
Replies: 12
Views: 15176

Re: OSTC4 not calculating Deco correctly. Possible Bug?

Thanks for the explanation to VPM (and GF low/ high) That was extremly enlightning
To your last comment... 👍
by swissdiving
Sunday 29. September 2024, 07:59
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: Greenflash O2 Sensor
Replies: 2
Views: 4565

Re: Greenflash O2 Sensor

Matthias siehe PM. 😆
by swissdiving
Monday 2. September 2024, 05:57
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: Depth and Temperature Issue
Replies: 2
Views: 5368

Re: Depth and Temperature Issue

Looks a bit like a sensor issue. Email HW.
by swissdiving
Thursday 15. August 2024, 07:31
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: Charging speed of OSTC2
Replies: 11
Views: 15531

Re: Charging speed of OSTC2

I keep the qi charger in place with bungee. Works perfect. And it has the advantage that the charger stays cooler = faster charging.

by swissdiving
Monday 8. July 2024, 14:48
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: OSTC 2 Black screen not waking up
Replies: 2
Views: 4333

Re: OSTC 2 Black screen not waking up

Might be cheaper flying to Basel with Easyjet droping the unit off in Freiburg and fly back, than sending it by Royal Mail.
At least you know its arrived 😄
by swissdiving
Thursday 20. June 2024, 17:24
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: OSTC4 not calculating Deco correctly. Possible Bug?
Replies: 12
Views: 15176

Re: OSTC4 not calculating Deco correctly. Possible Bug?

I very much doubt therecis a bug. Diving the ostc4 for years now not having a problem with deco....
by swissdiving
Tuesday 19. March 2024, 19:26
Forum: OSTC Mk.2, 2N and 2C (Sold between 2007 and 2014)
Topic: OSTC 2N button doesn't work
Replies: 4
Views: 9469

Re: OSTC 2N button doesn't work

Email Heirichs Weikamp.
by swissdiving
Wednesday 21. February 2024, 19:35
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: VPM or VPM-B?
Replies: 5
Views: 8967

Re: VPM or VPM-B?

It all depends
by swissdiving
Tuesday 2. January 2024, 18:40
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: hwOS4: New Firmware 1.6.5 with RTE 3.20
Replies: 13
Views: 176567

Re: hwOS4: New Firmware 1.6.5 with RTE 3.20

I do the charging like this:

Keeps the charger firmly in place.
by swissdiving
Monday 1. January 2024, 08:51
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: hwOS4: New Firmware 1.6.5 with RTE 3.20
Replies: 13
Views: 176567

Re: hwOS4: New Firmware 1.6.5 with RTE 3.20

I suspect, this has more to do with the way it is (not) being used.
I have two ostc4' on 1.6.5 and don't have problems with charging and holding charge.

As it is with any type of electronic equipment with chargeable battery.
by swissdiving
Saturday 2. December 2023, 17:52
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: hwOS4: New Firmware 1.6.5 with RTE 3.20
Replies: 13
Views: 176567

Re: hwOS4: New Firmware 1.6.5 with RTE 3.20

I don't have that problem.
by swissdiving
Saturday 18. November 2023, 21:12
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: TC switched to bootloader
Replies: 12
Views: 148002

Re: TC switched to bootloader

Actually, the backplate is not that relevant. The new HW chager is excellent and charges much better.
by swissdiving
Saturday 18. November 2023, 21:10
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: Dekogas während der Simulation hinzufügen
Replies: 6
Views: 79203

Re: Dekogas während der Simulation hinzufügen

Ich hätte gedacht das, wenn du die Gase vorkonfiguriert hast, du sie wechseln kannst wie du willst und die Deko kontrollieren.

Du brauchst also keine "on the fly" Gase.
by swissdiving
Thursday 16. November 2023, 20:50
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: TC switched to bootloader
Replies: 12
Views: 148002

Re: TC switched to bootloader


So klapps problemlos.
by swissdiving
Thursday 16. November 2023, 05:58
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: TC switched to bootloader
Replies: 12
Views: 148002

Re: TC switched to bootloader

But first do a hard Reset with the magnet...
...and yes to remove the battery you have to unscrew the cap of the battery compartment.
by swissdiving
Friday 10. November 2023, 21:11
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: Dekogas während der Simulation hinzufügen
Replies: 6
Views: 79203

Re: Dekogas während der Simulation hinzufügen

Doch, den eleganten Weg gibt es. Plane den Tauchgang (konfiguriere die geplanten Gase im OSTC), Tauche den Plan , benütze/aktiviere die konfigurierten Gase im OSTC. Und wenn du währen des Tauchgangs ein ungeplantes Gas vom Buddy benützt, dann wird es konfiguriert und sogleich geatmet. Da man ja im Te ...
by swissdiving
Wednesday 4. October 2023, 19:23
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: OSTC Sport - Unable to connect on Bluetooth for Firmware Upgrade
Replies: 13
Views: 102192

Re: OSTC Sport - Unable to connect on Bluetooth for Firmware Upgrade

If you can connect and upload the existing FW I don't understand what the problem is.

Can you download dives to Subsurface?
by swissdiving
Tuesday 3. October 2023, 12:53
Forum: OSTC+, OSTC3, cR, sport and OSTC 2 (Mod. 2015 and later)
Topic: OSTC Sport - Unable to connect on Bluetooth for Firmware Upgrade
Replies: 13
Views: 102192

Re: OSTC Sport - Unable to connect on Bluetooth for Firmware Upgrade

Your device is already on FW 10.76...
...what are trying to do?
by swissdiving
Wednesday 26. July 2023, 05:56
Forum: OSTC Mk.2, 2N and 2C (Sold between 2007 and 2014)
Topic: OSTC2 cannot connect Blue Tooth to Win11
Replies: 2
Views: 30943

Re: OSTC2 cannot connect Blue Tooth to Win11

And, from my point of view Diving Log is a nightmare to connect on BT to the OSTC even when the OSTC has a connection with BT to Windows. Its been a problem for years. Not to speak of downoading dives from different OSTCs. I have a lot less problems with Subsurface. The only reason why I persist wit ...
by swissdiving
Tuesday 20. June 2023, 07:37
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: Deco information suddenly disappears during dive in CCR mode
Replies: 5
Views: 36256

Re: Deco information suddenly disappears during dive in CCR mode

Can you post the configuration of your ostc4 please.
I've been using the ostc 4 as ccr primary and backup. Having done over 150h of dives and never observed that issue.
by swissdiving
Wednesday 3. May 2023, 06:01
Forum: OSTC 4 and OSTC 5
Topic: ERR Showing in hpa and celsius
Replies: 11
Views: 71475

Re: ERR Showing in hpa and celsius

- and the magnet has to be strong enough.